The Alumni Network Group

The Alumni Network Group Committee (otherwise known as ANG) was formed in 2008 and is chaired by Stephen Edge, Hon LLD (Law, 1972; Hon LLD, 2012), Corporate Tax Partner – Slaughter and May. The main purpose of the group is to advise and take a lead role in helping the University build lifelong relationships with alumni, to promote alumni engagement with the University and fellow alumni, and to give alumni the opportunity to share their views with the University. The Alumni Network Group Committee provides an informal ‘sounding board’ for the Vice-Chancellor and senior management and is consulted on strategic issues on an ad-hoc basis as individual members or as a collective Group.

  • Advise and take a lead role to help the University build lifelong relationships with alumni
  • Take an advisory role in developing, piloting and helping to implement policies, strategies and activities which involve alumni and strengthen their relationship with the University, focused on specific remits. For example, Group members have guided policies for alumni volunteering and the Career Mentor Scheme
  • Link alumni activity to the University’s strategic aims
  • Act as sounding boards for proposed University initiatives; for example, University fundraising, employability and marketing campaigns
  • Provide strategic and practical advice, especially in their fields of expertise, and partake in specific subgroups, for example:
    • Innovation Exeter (Innovation, Impact and Business led)
    • Employability (EGD led)
  • Act as ambassadors for the University in their spheres of influence:
    • Provide leadership, especially amongst their peer groups.
    • Identify, provide updates on and involve fellow alumni in volunteer activity which supports university goals (e.g., around employability).
    • Encourage alumni to contribute support, leading with their own gifts.
    • Act as “lightening rods” to sound out peers about these initiatives and provide feedback to the University; for example, giving key feedback on proposals.
  • Help with or facilitate through their networks:
    • Hosting, securing speakers and encouraging alumni to attend events; for example, hosting ‘Showcasing Research’, Alumnae, and Networking events.
    • Providing introductions to their networks, which have resulted in significant gifts to our recent fundraising campaign.
    • Identifying peer alumni and other key alumni working in their sector.  For example, these alumni have contributed specifically to student employability by providing career talks and practice interviews.

The Committee will be target-driven in its activities, setting measurable targets against which it can evaluate its performance.

Targets will be set and progress measured against goals as shown in delivery plans for the University and the Global Advancement team. These may include, amongst others, targets for numbers of alumni providing career support, work placements, college-specific initiatives and numbers of new and repeat volunteers. For example, a member of the Group leads on initiatives for recent alumni, including targets for participation from this group. Objectives will be shared and reviewed as appropriate at Committee meetings.

  • Members serve a minimum three-year term, renewable if mutually desired. Renewal of membership will be discussed with each member, the Chair and the University as the end of the member’s term approaches to ensure succession planning.  At least one of the members should be drawn from alumni serving on the University’s Council. 
  • Alumni can express an interest of consideration for membership of the Alumni Network Group Committee or can suggest other alumni for consideration, however new members will be only be selected and confirmed by the University and the Chair based upon the current priorities and targets that are set. The group retains the right to grow and contract under the guidance of the University and the Chair.
  • Each member holding a specific remit may be asked to coordinate with a larger, ad hoc, group of alumni who can provide guidance and additional points of view on specific activities within the remit. 
  • The Committee meets formally three times a year at which we would expect members to attend, usually in London but with one meeting per year at one of the University’s campuses.  Outside of this formal structure, members meet or conduct business on an ad hoc basis by any appropriate means, such as email or teleconference.
Name Membership Role
Julian Bird (Economics, 1995)
Chief Executive, Society of London Theatre & Theatrical Management Association
Humanities, Arts and Culture
Gerry Brown (Economics, 1966)
Chairman, Novaquest Capital Management LLC
Chair of the Campaign Board & Council Member
Jeremy Budd (Geography, 1985)
Vice President, IBM Asia Pacific
International Asia Pacific and Corporate Partnership development
Melody Dougan (History, 1958)
Former Chair, University of Exeter Convocation
Exeter University Club & Legacy
Steve Edge (Law, 1972)
Corporate Tax Partner, Slaughter and May
Chair of the Alumni Network Group Committee, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, incorporating the Law School
John Gilbert (Economics, 1972)
Chief Executive, JGFR
Sports & activities
Ronnie Henderson (Ancient History, 2014) Chair of Exetra (recent alumni group)
Graham Hill (Economic and Political Development, 1992)
Highclere International Investors
International, USA
Kim Moreton  Chair of the CSM Association
Ben Norris (Psychology, 1999)
Assistant Director, Numeritas Ltd
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, and member of the Business School Alumni Association Advisory Board
Jon O'Sullivan (Psychology, 1999)
Head of Operations for Vattenfall Onshore Wind UK
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, and advisor to the Sustainable Futures Campaign theme
Georgie Treen Chair of the Alumnae Group
Sarah Turvill (Law, 1975)
Non Executive Director, Willis Limited
Chair of Council