Caroline Lucas (English 1983, PhD English 1990)
Ask...Green Party Member of Parliament Caroline Lucas
We are giving you the opportunity to put questions direct to the UK’s first ever Green Party Member of Parliament and Exeter alumna, Caroline Lucas.
Caroline (English 1983, PhD English 1990) was leader of the Green Party from 2008-2012 and was elected to represent the Brighton Pavilion constituency in Parliament in 2010.
She is a passionate campaigner on national and international issues, including climate change, globalisation, social justice and human rights.
Prior to becoming the first Green MP she was a Member of the European Parliament for the South East region for over a decade. During her time as an MEP, she sat on several Committees including Trade, Industry, Energy and Research, as well as Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy. In the UK Parliament, she is a member of the Environmental Audit Committee and serves on a number of cross party parliamentary groups.
Whilst an undergraduate at Exeter, Caroline became a member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and spent time at the women’s anti-nuclear peace camp outside a US military base at Greenham Common in Berkshire.
As well as being voted the UK's most ethical politician in 2007, 2009 and 2010 by Observer readers, she was named the 'Most Influential MP' in 2012 by the Political Studies Association and 'MP of the Year' in the Scottish Widows and Dods Women in Public Life Awards 2011.
During her career as a politician and activist, she has also worked for Oxfam, CND and the RSPCA.
If you have a question for Caroline please email alumni@exeter.ac.uk with Ask Caroline Lucas in the title. We will select the best questions and her answers will appear in Exeter, the alumni magazine.
Date: 14 May 2013