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EGENIS seminar series: "Plant Phenome", Dr Ozlem Yilmaz (University of Exeter)

Egenis seminar series

Plant Phenome Project* has started last month. Plant Phenomics has been growing and advancing rapidly in the last decades. Two important facts drive this growth: 1) the need for growing more, and more nutritious crop plants, for the rapidly growing world population, a growth that has been marked by increasing social inequalities; 2) the need for better understanding of plant-environment interaction, thereby improving the ability to produce crops better adapted to uncertainties in future climate. While recent research has focused heavily on genomics, it is increasingly recognised that achieving these vital goals will require matching genomic insights with deeper understanding of phenomes. The main purpose of the Plant Phenome Project is to provide a philosophical analysis of the main concepts in plant science.

Event details

Although plants are very interesting organisms having unique processes (e.g. photosynthesis) and vital for the whole world ecosystem, plant biology has been overlooked in philosophy of science. In this seminar, I will be talking about general concerns and objectives of the project and then a bit more in detail of its first part where ‘whether plants have cognitive processes or not?’ will be investigated. I will draw on examples from plant physiology which point to processes that may be connected to cognition. Then I will ask: if these activities are sufficient to say that they have cognition? This investigation will be helpful for understanding the plant-environment interaction and the concepts of phenome and response.

*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement No:833353


Byrne House