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Will the UK lead on Climate and Ecology? The CEE Bill and our future

Public event organised in partnership with Transition Exeter and New Prosperity Devon

Event details

UK's credibility as Chair of COP 26 UN Climate in November depends on policy and practice to reach our own targets. The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill includes measures to ensure this is done, so that UK can persuade other countries to greater ambition.

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, introduced into Parliament by Caroline Lucas and supported by a cross party group of 100 MP's, calls for UK to act internationally to reduce its greenhouse emissions fairly and effectively and to protect and restore UK ecosystems and threatened biodiversity.

Prof Tim Lenton, Earth System scientist, will speak on climate science, tipping points, and the urgency of effective climate action. Harry Barton, CEO of Devon Wildlife Trust will discuss a nature and biodiversity recovery strategy. Sarah Lunnon, representing the National CEE Bill Alliance will show how the Bill charts a course for the road ahead.

To register, please see the Eventbrite page

Organised in partnership with Transition Exeter and New Prosperity Devon