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GSI Seminar - Global agronomy for transitioning to durable agricultural systems. An example focusing on P resource trade and country resilience

Dr Pietro Barbieri, Associate Professor, Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Event details

Agricultural trade and globalization pose new challenges for resource management and governance. In particular, many countries are dependent on imports of non-renewable mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizers for their agriculture. In this talk, Pietro will propose a framework to assess the possible impacts of future disruptions in P resource availability by comparing countries’ P fertilizer use for export production (virtual P) to their existing domestic P resources (labile soil P stocks and phosphate rock reserves). Findings show that 26% of global P fertilizer use is linked to exported crop and livestock commodities, creating complex resource interdependencies across countries. Vulnerabilities to P resource shortage may be moderated by existing domestic P resources in some countries, which could mitigate either short- or long-term impacts of fertilizer trade disruptions. However, greater coordination among trade partners that acknowledges and manages multiple forms of mineral P interdependencies is needed to provide resilient access to P inputs for national food supplies globally.

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Dr Pietro Barbieri is an Associate Professor at Bordeaux Sciences Agro