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Digital Literacy of Second/Foreign Language Teachers Seminar: What now? Transforming ‘techno-pedagogical’ skills to transglobal communicative competences

Event details

What now? Transforming ‘techno-pedagogical’ skills to transglobal communicative competences

ESRC-MOST UK-Taiwan networking

Digital Literacy of Second/Foreign Language Teachers

Melinda Dooly is a Serra Húnter Full Professor, Chair in Technology-Enhanced Language & Intercultural Education in the Department of Language & Literature Education and Social Science Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her principal research addresses technology-enhanced project-based language learning, intercultural communication and 21st century competences in teacher education. She has published widely in international journals and authored chapters and books in this area of study. She is co-editor of the book series Telecollaboration in Education (Peter Lang) and is lead researcher of the Research Centre for Teaching & Plurilingual Interaction (GREIP).


Rapidly evolving technology holds the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. This was made glaringly palpable during the school lockdowns precipitated by the Covid 19 pandemic. Recent studies show that the global crisis activated teachers to develop and enhance their techno-pedagogical know-how and gain confidence in their technological abilities. However, there is a need to push beyond these parameters of merely thinking about technical teacher know-how; this does not guarantee true innovation in pedagogy. Just as the world has been forced to take a close look at how society should be in this upcoming century, arguably, it is the responsibility of teachers (and teacher educators) to propose the alternative paradigm for 21st century learning. Innovation in education must emerge from carefully laid foundations that stem from sound research. This talk will first look at ways in which technology-rich environments have become practically part and parcel of language teaching and learning before considering what new adventures lie before us as we continue to explore the latest tools (e.g. Augmented and Virtual Reality). We will then tie this back to transglobal communicative competences and consider the role of the language teacher in this transformative scenario.


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