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Adapting ADepT (Augmented Depression Therapy) to young adults - results from a randomised multiple baseline case series

Mood Disorders Centre Think Tank Seminar Series

Our guest speaker is James Carson from the University of Exeter

Event details


Augmented Depression Therapy (ADepT) is an individual psychotherapy for depression, which has been shown to be effective in the general adult population. A randomised multiple baseline case series evaluated feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of ADepT in young adults (aged 18-24). Eleven depressed young adults were recruited from a UK university wellbeing service to receive ADepT during the COVID-19 pandemic, with outcomes evaluated relative to pre-specified continuation targets. All participants received a minimum adequate treatment dose (>60% target); 89% judged ADepT as acceptable and satisfactory and would recommend it to others (>60% target); only 9% showed reliable deterioration for depression or wellbeing (meeting <30% target); and there were no trial- or treatment- related serious adverse events. Qualitative interviews revealed most participants experienced benefits from ADepT and were satisfied with it. At post-treatment, reliable improvement was shown by 33% of participants for depression and 67% of participants for wellbeing (not meeting target of both >60%), with medium effect size improvements for depression (g=.78) and large effect size improvement for wellbeing (g=.93; not meeting target of both >.80). ADepT is feasible, acceptable, and safe in young adults but may require modification to maximise effectiveness. Further research outside of the pandemic context is warranted.


The Sir Henry Wellcome Building for Mood Disorders Research