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GSI Seminar - Timothy Woods

A Global Systems Institute seminar

Climate Smart Branding for Local Artisanal Dairy Products (Online only)

Event details

Small dairy farms in Kentucky (USA) are exploring opportunities to differentiate from increasingly larger scale dairy enterprises.  Dairy products have been identified as having relatively high carbon footprint, both for farm-level production, but also for large scale processing and long, aggregated supply chains characteristic of most U.S. dairy production.  Climate smart branding has gathered increasing attention globally, recognizing that this attribute is becoming more valued by a larger group of consumers.  A survey of 800 Kentucky dairy consumers explores willingness-to-pay for climate smart branding through a latent class model choice experiment.  Cheddar cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter are each examined as well as various definitions of 'locally produced'.  Results from this study can potentially point a way to further explore opportunities for differentiation but will need to include further examination regarding the impacts of larger climate-smart policies on the dairy industry.


Biographical background 

Dr. Woods is a Professor of Agricultural Economics and state extension specialist in the area of horticulture, agribusiness marketing, and management.  He has devoted his time and energy to help facilitate the development of small ag-related businesses and cooperatives that have promising innovative processes and/or products.  He served as the staff economist to the Kentucky Governor’s Office of Ag Policy and Ag Development Board.  His work has been presented at numerous international workshops, professional meetings, and state and regional extension programs.  He recently developed MarketReady, a nationally recognized best marketing practices education program for farmers selling to restaurants, grocery, and wholesale. This program is being used in 15 states.   Most recently, he has helped lead a national project around Covid impacts on local food systems with USDA and 17 national local food sector networks.  He is currently a visiting scholar within the Centre for Rural Policy at the University of Exeter.