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Dependence assumptions and exponential random graph models

An UEBS Department of Management seminar

Management seminar - Prof. Eric Quintane, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour, ESMT Berlin

Event details

Dependence assumptions and exponential random graph models. Departing from other perspectives, Social Network Analysis focuses on the relations between social actors (e.g., individuals, groups, and organizations). The shift in perspective from actor-level characteristics to relations between actors has contributed to our understanding of individual, group, or organizational-level outcomes and the social processes that drive them. However, relationships between social actors are dependent on each other. This is problematic for standard statistical analysis methods because they are based on the assumption of independence of observations. We will discuss the notion of dependence of observations in social network data and introduce a statistical framework (Exponential Random Graph Model) designed to account for the dependence of social network observations.


Xfi G15 Seminar room D