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The battle of ideas in organizing for sustainability

#esiStateOfTheArt talk by Dr Onna Van Den Broek

Sustainability challenges, such as climate change, migration, racism, poverty, or exploitation of labour and human rights in supply chains, have a scale and complexity that neither the public nor the private sector alone cannot fix. But it is unclear which role corporations play in (re)thinking—and governing—what constitutes a socially just transition to a sustainable economic system. This talk will explore the role of corporate power in sustainability solutions and governance, focussing particularly on the existence of different, co-existing ideas about how to organize and regulate for sustainability, how to communicate and socialize this, and the effects on institutions and policies. The talk will end by discussing alternative ideas and reimagining different pathways to sustainability.

Event details

Dr Onna Van Den Broek, Lecturer in Sustainable Business and Politics, is our Featured Academic for October 2023. She will deliver this #esiStateOfTheArt talk on 30 October 1 - 2pm.

This hybrid talk will be held in the ESI Trevithick Room, Penryn Campus. Please email if you would like a Microsoft Teams link to attend this talk online.

#esiStateOfTheArt talk

#esiStateOfTheArt talk


Environment and Sustainability Institute