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Food and the food environment in secondary schools: how do they influence students’ diets and eating behaviours?

CYP Wellbeing Research Network seminar series- Miranda Pallan

Professor Miranda Pallan will discuss key findings from the NIHR-funded FUEL School Food study. The study aimed to examine the implementation of national school food policy in secondary schools and its impact on students' dietary intake. During the seminar, she will present analyses on the compliance of secondary schools with the national School Food Standards and how compliance is related to students' nutritional intake. Additionally, she will share insights from the FUEL qualitative case study, which explores the perspectives of various stakeholders (school staff, governors, caterers, and students) on school food and its influence on students' eating habits and diets. Miranda will conclude by describing an ongoing NIHR-funded follow-on study where she collaborates with stakeholders to create recommendations for policy and practice improvements to enhance food quality and support healthy eating in secondary schools.

Event details


Abstract: Professor Miranda Pallan will discuss key findings from the NIHR-funded FUEL School Food study, involving 36 secondary schools and over 2000 students. The study aimed to examine the implementation of national school food policy in secondary schools and its impact on students' dietary intake. During the seminar, she will present analyses on the compliance of secondary schools with the national School Food Standards and how compliance is related to students' nutritional intake. Additionally, she will share insights from the FUEL qualitative case study, which explores the perspectives of various stakeholders (school staff, governors, caterers, and students) on school food and its influence on students' eating habits and diets. Miranda will conclude by describing an ongoing NIHR-funded follow-on study where she collaborates with stakeholders to create recommendations for policy and practice improvements to enhance food quality and support healthy eating in secondary schools.

The Teams recording for this seminar is available here

The CYP Wellbeing @Exeter Research Network are pleased to invite you to the next seminar in our seminar series with Professor Miranda Pallan, Professor of Child and Adolescent Public Health within the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Applied Health Research. This will be a live in-person seminar at St Lukes Campus, which will be live streamed to locations on both Streatham and Penryn Campuses. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available at all three venues.


Event: Thursday 9th November 12:00-1:00pm Live at St Luke’s Campus EMS Building room S11, or via live stream at Penryn Campus Exchange Courtyard Room 1 and Streatham Campus Peter Chalk room 2.4.

Title: “Food and the food environment in secondary schools: how do they influence students’ diets and eating behaviours?”


Please register to attend via EventBrite or email for more information. Please feel free to forward this to your colleagues and networks. Please note these events are open to all students as well as staff.

Bio: Miranda’s research mainly focuses on the health of children and adolescents. She undertakes research in the areas of the epidemiology, prevention and management of overweight and obesity in children, school food provision and environments, and adolescent nutrition, mental wellbeing and physical activity. Her research seeks to improve health at an early stage of the life course to reduce longer term ill health, chronic disease and premature death. Within these research areas Miranda has developed expertise in complex intervention development and evaluation, multi-methods research, and research with disadvantaged and ethnically diverse communities in the UK.


Prof Miranda Pallan


EMS Building S11