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Dynamics, number theory, and Brownian motion

Dynamics, number theory, and Brownian motion

Dynamics, number theory, and Brownian motion

Event details


Geodesic flow on the hyperbolic modular surface is related to continued fraction expansion. Using mixing of the geodesic flow, one can deduce some properties of continued fractions. Another application of the mixing of geodesic flow is counting closed geodesics, and we will see the idea behind the proof. If time permits, I will also talk about the local limit theorem of Brownian motion, or the heat kernel estimate, and its relation with the mixing of geodesic flow.

Geodesic flow on the hyperbolic modular surface is related to continued fraction expansion. Using mixing of the geodesic flow, one can deduce some properties of continued fractions. Another application of the mixing of geodesic flow is counting closed geodesics, and we will see the idea behind the proof. If time permits, I will also talk about the local limit theorem of Brownian motion, or the heat kernel estimate, and its relation with the mixing of geodesic flow.


Harrison Building 004