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Embodiment, Experience, Enculturation: A joint Philosophy conference between the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Exeter

Funded by the philosophy department of CUHK and University of Exeter SPSPA department / HASS faculty

What is it to be embodied and enculturated? How do human bodies interact, experience each other, and “experience with” each other? How do we interact with technologies, and how are contemporary technologies transforming experience? How do embodied experiences change over time? How should scientists study embodiment, and what role do embodiment and action have in scientific understanding?

Event details

These are just some of the questions that this joint Philosophy conference between CUHK and Exeter will explore. Scholars with expertise in phenomenology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, embodied cognition, and more, will come together to compare a variety of philosophical approaches on the themes of embodiment, experience, and enculturation – from both Western and Eastern perspectives.

Program and abstracts can be found below.

All talks are in-person, but a Zoom link will be emailed to those who register for online attendance.

All in-person attendees are invited to all coffee breaks (on both days), and to buffet lunch on May 14 in Byrne house. (Lunch on May 13, and both dinners, are for speakers only).

Please note the different venues for the two days.

Day 1: Queen’s Building, MR2/3, University of Exeter.

Day 2: Byrne House, St German's Road, University of Exeter

Registration is free. Please register for each day you would like to attend. 

Register here

Registration deadlines:

7 May 2024 for in-person registrations.

9 May 2024 for online registrations.

CUHK___Exe___title_program_abstracts___final___26Apr2024.pdfProgramme and abstracts (237K)