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Gaia Vince 'Nomad Century' A GSI and Women in Climate Seminar

Climate migration is inevitable and already underway. If it is well-managed, migration offers an essential survival tool, along with other adaptations, as we prepare pragmatically for the more dangerous conditions of the coming decades.

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Global heating this century will make parts of the world increasingly unliveable. Large populations will be affected and we should plan our response. Climate migration is inevitable and already underway. If it is well-managed, migration offers an essential survival tool, along with other adaptations, as we prepare pragmatically for the more dangerous conditions of the coming decades.

Gaia Vince is a science writer and broadcaster exploring the interplay between human systems and the planetary environment. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Anthropocene Institute at UCL and a host of BBC Inside Science. Her first book, Adventures In The Anthropocene won the Royal Society Science Book of the Year Prize. Her latest book, Nomad Century: How To Survive The Climate Upheaval, explores global migration and planetary restoration in a radical call to arms.

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Streatham Court Lecture Theatre A