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CBS Seminar: James Pearson- Circadian influences in Type 1 diabetes: Implications for screening and therapy

We are pleased to invite you to this CBS Seminar with Dr James Pearson from the School of Medicine at Cardiff University

Event details


Circadian rhythms, referring to changes in gene/protein expression, physiology or behavior which occur approximately every 24 hours, strongly influence metabolism and immunity. While it is well known that insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is controlled in a circadian manner, it remains unknown how autoimmunity targeting the beta cells is affected by these circadian changes. We hypothesize that circadian rhythms influence the autoimmune processes leading to the development of Type 1 diabetes.  

This presentation will highlight key findings from our group related to circadian implications for screening those at risk, through changes in islet autoantibody levels at different times of day. In addition, we will show how circadian rhythms alter anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells and how we are utilizing this knowledge to improve therapeutic intervention aimed at preventing Type 1 diabetes.  

By better understanding how immune responses are altered by time of day in those at risk, or with Type 1 diabetes, we hope to improve identification of those at risk of developing Type 1 diabetes, while also enhancing therapeutic efficacy aimed at preventing Type 1 diabetes. 

This will be a hybrid seminar with the speaker presenting live in-person in South Cloisters, Room 3.06 at the St Luke’s Campus. There is also the option join virtually – a Zoom joining link and full details to sign in can be found below. A drinks reception with alcoholic drinks and nibbles will also be provided at the seminar. Please feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and networks.  

Event: Monday 8th July 15:00- 16:30 South Cloisters, Room 3.06, St Luke's Campus

Title: Circadian influences in Type 1 diabetes: Implications for screening and therapy

Bio: Dr Pearson is a MRC Career Development Award Recipient at Cardiff University. He trained for his Diabetes UK-funded PhD studentship under Professor Susan Wong at Cardiff University investigating how insulin as an autoantigen alters the development of insulin autoreactive CD8+ T cells in the Non-obese diabetic mouse model of Type 1 diabetes. He subsequently undertook his Postdoctoral training with Professor Li Wen at Yale University, funded by a Diabetes UK-Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship, and later a JDRF Postdoctoral fellowship. Here he investigated the crosstalk between gut bacteria and immune cells in modulating susceptibility to Type 1 diabetes. Dr Pearson currently researches how the time-of-day influences autoimmune responses and responses to therapy and whether these vary in the context of Type 1 diabetes, studying a combination of the Non-obese diabetic mouse model and human samples. By understanding how time-of-day influences immune responses, he hopes to better define how we screen for Type 1 diabetes risk and when therapy should be administered to maximise clinical efficacy, while reducing dosage/toxicity, as well as minimising study participant variation in responses. His lab is supported by MRC and Steve Morgan Foundation/JDRF/Diabetes UK funding. He is the Treasurer of the Autoimmunity affinity group within the British Society for Immunology and an active member/participant in diabetes volunteer support groups and public engagement activities aimed at raising awareness of type 1 diabetes. 

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