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Sustainable Future Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rural Business Clusters

A workshop to investigate rural business clusters from an interdisciplinary perspective using mixed methods.

In response to the call for seed-corn funding from The Societies and Cultures Institute (SCI - of the University of Exeter, we have been awarded some funds that we can use to organise a workshop to develop some research plans. Our ongoing research (i.e., a paper currently under review) investigates the emergence and development of rural business clusters in the United Kingdom, focusing on the shared vision of “business as a force for good” in the rural region of Cornwall.

Event details

In response to the call for seed-corn funding from The Societies and Cultures Institute (SCI - of the University of Exeter, we have been awarded some funds that we can use to organise a workshop to develop some research plans.


Our ongoing research (i.e., a paper currently under review) investigates the emergence and development of rural business clusters in the United Kingdom, focusing on the shared vision of “business as a force for good” in the rural region of Cornwall.


The funds from the seed-corn funding will be used to support the development of the ideas, the methodological approaches which will be adopted, and to facilitate a series of crucial steps, such as:


· Data Acquisition and Analysis: Accessing and analysing relevant datasets to provide a comprehensive socio-economic overview of Cornwall (and other regions / countries).

· Interdisciplinary Team Formation: Bringing together experts from different disciplines (e.g., politics, law, social sciences, data science, natural sciences), and regional development to foster collaboration and innovative research approaches.

· Planning the research outputs (i.e., papers), and the dissemination of the results obtained.

· Development of a Comprehensive Research Proposal: Using initial findings (e.g., pilot studies) to craft a detailed proposal for a larger-scale study on the impact of socio-economic factors on rural business clusters in Cornwall and other regions / countries. We have identified the ‘ESRC Responsive Mode: Secondary Data Analysis’ as a suitable call.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

We strongly encourage in person attendance (because of the informal and interactive nature of the workshop), but online attendance would be possible, if needed.


Provisional Agenda

10:30 - 10:45 Welcome and introductions

10:45 - 11:30 Presentation of the pilot study and discussion

11:30 - 12:30 Brainstorming and discussion: ideas for developing the proposal of the large-scale study; different types of data; different methods; interdisciplinary synergies

12:30 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:30 Finalising the draft of the large-scale study proposal and the agreeing on the next steps


Please register using this link . If you wish to register without using Eventbrite, or if you have any questions regarding the event please contact