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Finance and Accounting Research Seminar with Xuelin Li

Department of Finance and Accounting

You are invited to attend a Department of Finance and Accounting Research Seminar with Xuelin Li, Columbia University.

Event details


How Does VC Specialization Backfire in Startup Experimentation?

Prior research suggests that specialized VC funds with small portfolios benefit startup performance due to active investor engagement. Using project-level data from the life science sector, we investigate this argument through a novel channel of VC activism: the strategic decision of project prioritization. We document that despite more interactions from smaller and more focused VCs, their biotech startups are less likely to exit via IPOs. Consistent with such activism prematurely prioritizing the research pipeline, startups backed by concentrated VCs exhibit slower progress in clinical trials and tend to discontinue projects due to pipeline priority rather than other reasons. For identification, we use limited partners' adoption of ESG objectives as instruments for affected VCs' portfolio size and diversification. Lastly, we highlight conflicting experimentation preferences between general partners and founding teams due to investment horizon and portfolio cannibalization.

We are delighted to welcome Xuelin Li from Columbia University to present a seminar, details of which are below along with a sign up sheet for dinner, lunch and one-to-ones.

Sign up here. (Please note dinner and lunch are only open to faculty staff and PhD students)