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Nicole Geschwind (Maastrict University) - Psychotherapy against depression: Towards a focus on positive emotions

Mood Disorder Centre Think-Tank seminar series. All welcome.

Event details


Depression is characterized by an excess of negative emotions, and a lack of positive emotions. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) the most thoroughly researched and evidence-based form of psychotherapy for depression. Traditional CBT protocols against depression focus mainly on the reduction of negative emotions. I will present research on the importance of positive emotions in resilience against and recovery from depression. Also, I will discuss how a focus on positive emotions in CBT against depression may improve efficacy of treatment, and present preliminary findings on positive CBT.

Nicole Geschwind (Maastrict University) will be giving a seminar with the title 'Psychotherapy against depression: Towards a focus on positive emotions'.

The Think-Tank seminar series is organised by Heather O’Mahen, Lorna Cook, Matthew Owens-Solari and Matthew Lomas (


Mood Disorders Centre G17