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Professor Ali Mian (Seattle University) presents "Beyond Minority/Majority: Theorizing Islam in South Asia"

Part of the IAIS Visiting Speakers Series

Ali Altaf Mian is an assistant professor of Islamic studies at Seattle University. His research and teaching interests include Islam in South Asia, Islamic law and ethics, gender and sexuality, and critical theory and method in the study of religion.

Event details


This talk critically examines the invocation of the binary, minority-majority, in studies of Muslim South Asia.  It argues that Shi'ism often enters into scholarly representation through the sign of "religious minority" and is sometimes linked with "sectarianism".  The talk problematizes both categories and proposes an alternative theorization of religious difference in South Asia.

Tea and coffee will be served in the IAIS Common Room from 4.30pm - all are welcome to attend and registration is not necessary


IAIS Building/LT1