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EGENIS seminar series: "Public Health, Biopolitics, Security", Ariane Hanemaayer (Brandon University, Canada)

Egenis seminar series

Biopolitics is a force relation that deploys security mechanisms to regularize general biological processes within a population according to a norm. These mechanisms are institutionalized around those uncertain or random elements within a population of living beings with the objective of optimizing the state of life. This presentation analyzes a case study of the preparation of The Health of a Nation – a strategy for England, a public health policy for the National Health Service in the 1990s. I argue that the power-knowledge of public health and the policies installed to organize and inform the rates of mortality within the NHS have congealed within a dispositif of security.

Event details

I operationalize Foucault’s conceptualization of security apparatus following three indices: the insertion of population health “key targets” within a series of probable events drawing on epidemiological knowledge; the governability of these elements within an economic calculation of cost; and the establishment of an average or norm that must not be exceeded (cf. Foucault 2007:6). These processes aim to establish a definition of risk for particular cases, such as HIV and smoking, to identify what is dangerous, and then deploy technologies of power to predict, modify, and correct those health crises that deviate from the norm. Security tends to intervene through natural rather than artificial mechanisms. I explain how health promotion programs exist at this intersection between security apparatus and biopolitics. My analysis offers a new analytic diagram for understanding the assemblage of different elements in the maintenance of contemporary health care: the mortality of the population, health promotion programs of conduct, and the effects and failures of health security.


Byrne House