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Dr Ebtihal Mahadeen (University of Edinburgh) presents the talk "Media, Militarism, and Culture: Interrogating Jordan’s Gendered War on Terror"

Part of the IAIS Visiting Speaker Series

Dr. Mahadeen is lecturer in gender and media with a focus on the Arab world. She is based at the department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on the intersection of gender, sexuality, and media within an Arab context and has addressed questions of female virginity, militarist masculinities and femininities, and LGBT media activism. She has a professional background in reporting and online media and offers consultancies on gender, media, and higher education in the Arab region.

Event details

Tea and coffee will be servied in the IAIS Common Room from 17:00.  Everyone is welcome to attend and registration is not necessary.


IAIS Building/LT1&2