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PenCLAHRC Engaging Games event, with “Making Sense of Fairy-tales” competition

There will be prizes!

Please note that this event will be followed by a seminar from 12-1 on the same day entitled ‘PenCLAHRC and Person Centred Care: next steps’ to be given by Professor Nicky Britten.

Event details

We would like to invite you to join us for an Engaging Games Event on Wednesday 28th January (10:30am – 11:30am, but exact times TBC) in the Veysey Café area.

As part of this, we are also seeking stories for the PenCLAHRC book of “Making Sense of Fairy-tales”.

Kath Maguire from the PPI team has been developing activities that translate the concepts of evidence-based medicine into fun and practical games and we would like to invite you to come along on the 28th January and have a play with them.

We would also like to encourage you to write a ‘Making Sense of Fairy-Tales’ story. PenPIG have set the ball rolling with the ‘The Three Little Statistical Pigs’ (attached), but we want to see what else we can come up with! Do you think Sleeping Beauty should have used more inferential statistics to evaluate the likely outcome of taking fruit from strangers? Have you ever wanted to wreak vengeance on a wicked step mother, evil wizard or an insipid princess? Now’s your chance!  Rules are below.

If you would like to write a fairy tale (or would just like to make a cake!) please let Kath know at


  • Stories should be told in 1000 words or less
  • Stories should support people to make sense of research evidence (somehow)
  • Stories should be linked to traditional tales (from some tradition or other)

Deadline for submitting stories (to  Monday 12th January 2015

Entries will be judged by an expert panel and winners announced at the Engaging Games Morning on Wednesday 28th January.

Suggested titles:

Goldilocks and the three surrogate outcomes  
Anansi and the hill of variables 
The Princess and the Qualy
Cinderella and the glass PROM   
Sinbad the Statistitcian

Please note that this event will be followed by a seminar from 12-1 on the same day entitled ‘PenCLAHRC and Person Centred Care: next steps’ to be given by Professor Nicky Britten.


Veysey cafe area