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Humanities and Social Sciences Strategy Launch Event

A half day of activity featuring the six HASS themes

The Humanities and Social Sciences Strategy will be officially launched on 28 November with each of the interdisciplinary themes being showcased.

Event details


14.00 - Introduction and Overview from Professor Sir Steve Smith and Professor Nick Talbot.

14.15 - Plenary sessions featuring HASS Strategy themes, including the Food Security and Land Research Alliance.

15.00 - Parallel sessions. Open discussions and research group presentations within each theme.

15.45 - Second parallel sessions. 

16.30 - Tea, coffee and networking in the Forum Street.

17.30 - End of event.

Themes and workshop information:

•  Environment and Sustainability, led by Professor Neil Adger.

•  Global Uncertainties, led by Professor Steve McCorriston

•  Identities and Beliefs, led by Professor David Horrell.

•  Medical Humanities, led by Professor Mark Jackson.

•  Science, Technology and Culture, led by Professor Steve Hinchliffe.

•  Societal and Lifestyle Shifts, led by Professor Manuela Barreto.

Please download our document with details of the content of each workshop.


Queries relating to the event should be directed to Pete Hodges (details below).

Queries relating to the HASS strategy in general should be directed to Andy Richards, Research and Knowledge Transfer. 

Cornwall Launch

We will be providing a video link for the plenary and introduction between 14.00 -15.00 in Peter Lanyon Lecture Theatre 2.

A launch for the strategy is also planned to take place in Term 2 on Cornwall Campus.

When registering for the event, please state a preference for two sessions.

Discuss and contribute to the HASS strategy themes on 28 November.


The Forum Auditorium and Seminar Rooms