Self-archiving in ORE
You can make your work open access in an institutional or subject repository, without the need to pay open access charges. This is referred to as self-archiving or "green" open access. The University of Exeter’s preferred route to open access is self-archiving in the institutional repository Open Research Exeter (ORE).
Items in ORE are highly discoverable, appearing high up in popular search engine results. Sharing your outputs in ORE can increase visibility of your research. Your work will be freely available, increasing readership and contributing to the knowledge base.
What is ORE?
Open Research Exeter (ORE) is the University of Exeter’s open access repository for storing, preserving and disseminating the research outputs of the University. Each publication in ORE has a unique persistent identifier (URI or handle), providing secure and permanent access.
All research outputs in scope of the University of Exeter Open Access Policy (January 2025) must be uploaded to ORE.
Uploading to ORE
Upload via Symplectic to the institutional repository ORE. This guide takes you through the process of creating a manual record in Symplectic and depositing to ORE: Depositing publications to ORE.
University of Exeter open access policy requires that in-scope outputs produced whilst employed at the University of Exeter are uploaded via Symplectic to ORE.
Upload a PDF of your author accepted manuscript (AAM) on (within three months of) acceptance, to ensure compliance with REF 2021 open access policy and to be eligible for submission to the REF.
The PDF must be a clean version, i.e. with all markup, corrections, comments etc. removed. If you have the AAM as a Word document, save it as a PDF/A; (under the file format selection box click ‘More options…’ > ‘Options…’ button > tick the ‘PDF/A compliant’ checkbox > click the ‘OK’ button).
To enable correct citation and attribution (should the publication be discovered online independent of the ORE record), the file must include:
- Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
- All tables, figures etc. If the formatting means that combining the files with the main text is not possible, instead:
- include a full citation to the publication in each file
- upload all the files from the same Symplectic record
If appropriate, upload any appendices and supplementary information:
- combine the files into one PDF with the main text
OR, if this is not possible
- include a full citation to the publication in each file, and upload all the files from the same Symplectic record
Publishers often allow you to upload the author accepted manuscript (following peer review and amendments) but not the final published PDF. You can check that the version you are uploading complies with publisher requirements in Symplectic either at the point of uploading the file, or by using SHERPA Open Policy Finder.
NOTE that when your work is published open access under a Creative Commons licence, you no longer need to upload to ORE, publishing open access on the publisher website meets the requirements of University and REF open access policy. If your work acknowledges EU funding e.g. ERC, Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, you should always deposit to ORE, as your funder requires deposit to a repository of all peer-reviewed outputs including when you publish open access on the publisher website.
All peer-reviewed articles and conference papers (with an ISSN) with a University of Exeter author first submitted the journal after 1 January 2024 are covered by the Institutional Rights Retention Policy. This policy applies a Creative Commons CC BY licence to the accepted manuscript version of all in scope articles. Providing the publisher has been notified of the policy - (either by inclusion of the Rights Retention statement at submission or by notifications that the Library sent directly to publishers) - your paper will be made immediately open access in ORE with CC BY licence and without any embargo. Read more about Rights Retention.
If your paper is not covered by Rights Retention, the publisher may impose an embargo i.e. a period of time before your output can be made available in ORE. Upload your accepted manuscript version upon acceptance; Open Research will apply any embargo required. While your publication is under embargo, the item record - including the abstract - will be discoverable but the full text cannot be viewed or downloaded. The embargo will run from the date of publication and lift automatically once the embargo period has passed.
Self-archiving and the REF
REF 2021 open access policy applies to all journal articles and conference contributions (with an ISSN).
In order to be eligible for submission to the REF,
- The output must be deposited in a repository.
- The output must be deposited no later than three months after acceptance.
- The output deposited should be the accepted manuscript (following peer review).
To be eligible for submission to the REF, upload your accepted manuscript, upon (within three months of) acceptance, via Symplectic to the institutional repository ORE.
When your work is published open access under a Creative Commons licence, this complies with REF OA policy. You should still "claim" your outputs in Symplectic but you no longer need to upload a PDF to ORE. Authors of other longer-form output types such as book chapters and monographs are not required by REF policy to make these open access.
ORE deposit licence
Open Research Exeter (“ORE”), on behalf of the University of Exeter (“the University”), supports the long-term preservation of research outputs produced by staff and students of the University of Exeter.
In order for the University, via ORE, to reproduce, re-format, and disseminate your submission worldwide, your agreement to the following terms is necessary. Please take a moment to read the terms of this licence in respect of your submission, being material that you submit to ORE including but not limited to a journal article, dataset, thesis, and/or corresponding metadata. By depositing your submission and ticking the box at the end of this licence, you agree to the terms of the licence.