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Cornwall campuses

Frequently Asked Questions for Staff

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

Travel, Accommodation and Catering

To order catering for an event, please contact your College Administrator with the room booking details, budget details and your selections from the Taste Hospitality Menu. They will raise a PO to go with the order form. Please note that Bookings and final numbers must be received by Penryn Campus Hospitality within 3 full working days in advance. Orders will be confirmed within 3 working days by email. If you do not receive confirmation within 3 working days please contact conference and events team at: or on 01326-370428.

To request Catering Vouchers, please get in touch with your administrator detailing how many vouchers you require and the value of each voucher with the budget code for the purchase. Your administrator will then raise a PO for these and when they are approved by the budget holder, send the order to FXPlus. Please give at least 2 days’ notice for this process.

IT and Equipment

University of Exeter staff and students in Cornwall should contact the Exeter IT Service Desk:

If you need to contact the FX Plus Service Desk:

Go to your profile page and click the ‘Edit profile link at the bottom of the page or open this page:


2. Login using your normal single sign-on details.

3. On the ROM homepage, search for your surname in the search box.

Find more guidance here. To change your photo, email your administrator.

If you are looking to purchase new IT equipment or reuse old staff equipment, we recommend you log a purchase request with Exeter IT as soon as a post for a new starter is confirmed. Please still log a request if the new staff members’ details have not been confirmed as equipment can still be ordered/allocated in advance. It is especially important to raise a request in advance if you are requesting non-standard IT equipment. Please log a request with Exeter IT via the IT Helpdesk.

To order stationary please contact your college administrator or if you have a specific request, you can do this through CloudBuy on T1.

Staff telephone numbers are not added automatically to the directory, so this has to be done manually. From the University homepage select the “contact us” tab, on the next screen select “search for a university phone number” and from there select “view and update your telephone directory details”. You will need to sign in here with your usual login and password. On the next screen select the “My details” tab, when this page opens select “Edit”. Add phone number, press “save and return” and it’s done. The Falmouth IT Helpdesk deal with all telephone requests and faults (e.g., new phones require an initial set up before they are usable). Ring ext 3822 or email

If you have a work-related reason to access University IT facilities (honorary research staff, visiting lecturers, etc.) you can ask the member of staff who is managing your Associate application to request an IT account for you through our online Associate Management System.

Once logged in they should click "IT Access", "Request New IT Access", and then choose the type of account which is required.

Campus Access

The telephone number for Penryn campus is 01326 371400

Room bookings and hospitality are managed by FX Plus on the Penryn campus. Email with your requirements and they will book for you. Or you can make your own bookings here:

Staff can also book meeting rooms on Streatham and St Luke’s campuses via this webpage

For room bookings in the ESI email: There are several meeting rooms of various sizes that can be booked in the ESI and a seminar room, but no lecture theatres. 

You can find details on public transport and parking on Penryn Campus here.

If you’d like to book a space for a visitor contact the Car Parking team.

Finance and Administration

Main Payroll Staff

Main payroll staff should use the T1 system to reclaim expenses within 3 months of the expenditure being incurred. Expense claims must be submitted in line with the expenses policy.  Expenses will be paid to the bank account associated with your payroll ID in Trent.

Our training web pages contain full step-by-step instructions on how to use T1 to claim expenses.

Associate Staff

Associate staff should submit a claim by using the UK GBP Payment Request Form or International Payment Request Form (please note that the 'My Travel and Expenses' function is not suitable for associate staff expenses). Once complete, the form should be sent to the budget holder to be physically signed and scanned or approved via email and sent on to to process.


There are two options for those who are not members of staff to claim expenses from the University:

  1. A member of staff can submit a claim on their behalf by using the UK GBP Payment Request Form or International Payment Request Form (please note that the 'My Travel and Expenses' function is not suitable for non-staff/student expenses).
  2. If the claimant wishes to submit the claim themselves, a staff member should send them the relevant payment request form along with the full T1 budget code (not the item or charge code) and the details of the budget holder who will approve this claim. Once complete, the form should be sent to the budget holder to be physically signed and scanned or approved via email and sent on to to process.

For financial enquiries contact the Finance Helpdesk at

The Cornwall Finance team can help with many financial queries and place orders using the University credit card. You can contact them using the details below.

  • Rob Aggett: Tel 01326 255748
  • Rachel Cole-Powney: Tel 01326 254189
  • Alison Webb: Tel 01326 259394


Your College Administrative Team can be contacted at the team mailbox Please use this address rather than contacting individual team members.