
Updated Jan 2023

Autumn 2021

Suitable for small marquees and gazebos.  This is in a high footfall area.

Autumn 2021

Suitable for small marquees and gazebos.  This is a high footfall area.

Lovely area for picnics and low key events. Ball games not allowed. Moderately high footfall area.

Suitable for small events and small gazebos only.  Very high footfall area.

Suitable for promotional stands and small gazebos.  Very visible, high footfall area.

Suitable for ball games and activities.  Can accommodate larger groups and events.  This area is close to Car Parks A and B.

Autumn 2021

Small marquees and gazebos.  No ball games on the lawn please.  Moderately high footfall area.

Please note, this area is subject to flooding which could lead to cancellation of events at short notice.

Autumn 2021

Suitable for marquees and gazebos.  No ball games on the lawn please.  This is close to the barbecue point and tennis courts.  Low footfall area near the Lafrowda Halls area.

Autumn 2021

Large areas suitable for marquee or gazebos.  This is a low footfall area, but is surrounded by the Duryard residences. 

The availability of this area may be restricted by the INTO exam schedule. 

Large area suitable for small events such as picnics (around 20/30 people).  A more secluded, low footfall area.

Situated between Reed Hall and Mardon Hall, this site is an old walled garden and a listed botanical landscape.  It has a large hard standing area that could accommodate a small stage or medium sized gazebo and can take up to 120 people, comfortably. 

The area is however cobbled and has a narrow entrance, so it is not suitable for vehicle access and may not suit all abilities.

Power is available from the nearby buildings through prior arrangement with Campus Services Helpdesk.

Main area in the centre of St Luke's.  Used for volleyball during the summer period, but other ball games are not permitted at any time.  Suitable for marquees or gazebos and larger events (around 200/300 people).