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Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

Academic Partnerships Handbook

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Types of Academic Partnerships

Chapter 3 - Governance of Academic Partnerships

Chapter 4 - How to Establish a New Academic Partnership

Chapter 5 - Management, Delivery and Monitoring

Chapter 6 - Review and Renewal or Termination

Annex 1 - Minimum Compliance Checklist

Annex 2 - Schematic of Governance for Academic Partnerships

Annex 3 - Partnership Proposal Form - MOU

Annex 4 - Partnership Proposal Form - Split Site

Annex 5 - Partnership Proposal Form - Split Site Single PGR Student

Annex 6 - Partnership Proposal Form - Dual Degree

Annex 7 - Partnership Proposal Form - Double Degree

Annex 8 - Partnership Proposal Form - Joint Award

Annex 9 - Partnership Proposal Form - Validation

Annex 10 - Partnership Proposal Form - Study Abroad Student Exchanges

Annex 11 - Partnership Proposal Form - PGR Study Abroad and Student Exchange

Annex 12 - Partnership Proposal Form - Articulation

Annex 13 - Partnership Proposal Form - Progression

Annex 14 - Partnership Proposal Form - Outward Mobility Language School

Annex 15 - Partnership Proposal Form - Renewal

Information, Advice and Guidance

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