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Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook

Chapter 1 - Introduction 

Chapter 2 - Procedures and Requirements for Approving New Modules and Non-award Programmes

Chapter 3 - Business Approval 

Chapter 4 - Academic Approval

Chapter 5 - Amendments to Existing Programmes and Modules

Chapter 6 - Faculty Management of Programme and Module Information 

Annex 1 - Programme Approval or Amendment Form (PAAF)

Annex 2 - With Proficiency In PAAF

Annex 3 - Current Programme Specification Template

Annex 4 - Current Module Descriptor Template

Annex 5 - First Approval Form

Annex 6 - External Assessor Report Form

Annex 7 - Student Representative Report Form

Annex 8 - AccessAbility Representative Report Form

Annex 9 - Academic Approval Cover Form

Annex 10 - Module Set-up Request Form

Annex 11 - EQA External Assessor Recruitment Notification Form

Annex 12 - Single Programme Costing Tool

Information, Advice and Guidance

If you have any queries with regard to interpreting or implementing any aspect of the TQA Manual, please contact:

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