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Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

Special Provisions for Online Programmes

This section provides signposting and links to specific information for online programmes, which has now been merged into the main Teaching Quality Assurance Manual and University Calendar.

1. Registration

1.1 Please refer to General Regulation 4.6 regarding any required amendments to a student’s Registration Form, such as home and term-time address, as well as the point of contact for students regarding such amendments.

2. Approval and Revision of Taught Programmes Handbook

2.1 This Handbook provides further information and guidance regarding programme approval and amendment, including for online programmes.

3. Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook

3.1 Chapter 7 of this Handbook provides further information on the recommendations for the timing of Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committees (APACs) for online programmes.

3.2 Chapter 8 of this Handbook provides further information regarding referral and condonement for online programmes.

3.3 Chapter 11 of this Handbook provides further information regarding referral(s) for online programmes.

4. External Examining Handbook

4.1 This Handbook provides further information about modes of attendance by External Examiners at APACs, which can include attending either virtually (online) or physically (in person).

5. Quality Review and Enhancement Framework

5.1 This Framework provides further information about the requirement to include online programmes within Teaching Excellence Action Plan (TEAP) and Teaching Excellence Monitoring (TEM) processes.

6. Attendance

6.1 The University sets out its requirements for students to be ‘in attendance’ via Ordinance 6 and General Regulation 2. Students following online programmes must engage with their studies throughout the programme. 

7. Student Cases

7.1 The University’s procedures for handling individual student cases typically include meetings of panels or committees, at later stages, to consider appropriate actions. The student in question often has a right to attendance at such meetings.

7.2 The University will make its best efforts to enable online students to participate in any relevant meetings by telephone or online, as an alternative to physical attendance as outlined in the links below. This principle should be extended to any other meeting or panel which is involved in a student case, and to which a student who was on campus would be invited to attend:

7.2.1 The Disciplinary Procedure – Non-academic Misconduct

7.2.2 The University of Exeter Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise (FtP)

7.2.2 Other relevant policies include:

a. The Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSSP)
b. The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals
c. The Student Complaints Procedure
Please note, the proceedings of any such committee or panel will not be invalidated simply as a result of the student not attending.

Information, Advice and Guidance

If you have any queries with regard to interpreting or implementing any aspect of the TQA Manual, please contact:

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