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Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production

We have been recognised as =7th in the world for SDG 12, which aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Our university-wide sustainable food policy and action plan has promoted a procurement ethos of buying locally to support UK producers, Fairtrade, and SRA, as well as policies minimising plastic use.

Our sustainable procurement policy supports the delivery of Strategy 2030, Environment and Climate Emergency Policy Statement and Sustainable Food Policy, as well reinforcing other strategic priorities and strategies including those relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Our objectives of this policy are to:

  • Contribute to achieving the University’s commitment of Net Zero carbon by 2030 by reducing the carbon emissions associated with Bought Goods and Services
  • Optimise the use of natural resources and cease, or where this is not possible, minimise the use of plastic and disposable items
  • Maximise social value through our supply chain
  • Raise awareness and promote best practice in sustainable procurement across the University making information accessible for all.

Environmental sustainability is a key area of our research expertise. Beyond our own organisational policies, our researchers are examining the ways that the world of commerce can have a positive impact on the environment.

We believe it is time to fundamentally reconsider how organisations embed environmental sustainability into their operations and decision making, and our research is helping make change happen.

Find out more about our environmental sustainability expertise and our research into sustainable food systems.