Stay Safe

Exeter, Falmouth and Penryn are generally safe places to live but it’s always best to be aware of how to stay safe and who to contact for help. These pages provide information, advice and guidance on how to have fun, stay safe and be respectful.

Who to call in an emergency

If there is an immediate emergency call 999 and ask for the police, ambulance, fire service or coastguard.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the emergency service textphone service 18000 or text 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service.

If you call 999 in an emergency situation from your mobile, but you’re in danger and can’t speak, press 55. The call handler will immediately pass your call to the police. Read full details.

To call the police for non-emergency enquiries, use 101. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use their textphone service on 18001 101.

NHS Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs). Help is available 24 hours a day, and you can find your nearest centre here. 

You can also call the NHS for non-emergency health issues on 111 or visit their website here.


Enough abuse and harassment will not be tolerated
No-one should live in fear of abuse.

Whatever form it takes, abuse is never justified. Any behaviour that demeans, frightens or distresses is abuse.
It has to stop. We can all do something to keep others in our community safe. This is why we are supporting the Government's ENOUGH campaign, and saying 'Enough' to gender-based violence.

Find out more.

Content warning: abuse

Getting home safely

The best way to stay safe getting home at night is to stick with your friends. 

Walking home

In case you do find yourself on your own:

  • You are safest in well-lit and busy areas. Avoid badly lit car parks, underground walkways and open areas
  • Cover up expensive-looking jewellery, mobile phones, keys, cash and cards
  • If you find yourself in trouble, the best form of defence is to get away and head towards busier areas
  • If you are trapped, bring attention to yourself and make as much noise as possible by shouting or screaming
  • Call 999 as soon as it is possible to do so

Staying safe on public transport

  • Always plan your journey, knowing departure times and checking for changes to the schedule
  • Try to have your ticket or money to hand so you do not have your purse or wallet on show
  • If you are travelling alone, especially at night, try to stay with groups of people or arrange to be met at the end of your journey
  • When you are waiting for a bus or train, try to stand in well-lit places
  • If the bus or train is empty when you start your journey try to sit near to the driver or conductor.

Night Bus service (Exeter)

We work with Stagecoach to provide a Night Bus service in Exeter. It runs on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, every 30 minutes from midnight until 04:00 during term time between the city centre and student accommodation.

See the latest Night Bus timetable‌.

You can use all Stagecoach network tickets on this service along with the discounted Unirider tickets. The single fare is only £2 as the University has subsidised the service to keep your fares affordable. Download the stagecoach app to track the live location of the bus and buy tickets. 

Nightline (Exeter)

If you feel unsafe while walking, Nightline offers a free confidential helpline during term time. You can contact Nightline by phone or instant message between 20:00 and 08:00 Monday to Saturday and via instant message only 20:00 to 01:00 on Sundays. The number is on the back of your student card (Exeter based students). Call them and someone from their team of trained student volunteers will stay on the phone with you while you walk.  

Strut Safe (Exeter and Cornwall)

Wherever you are in the UK, if you feel unsafe walking home alone at night on the weekend, call Strut Safe on 0333 335 0026 Friday and Saturday 19:00 - 03:00 and Sunday 19:00 - 01:00. Their volunteers are a non-judgemental, friendly voice to keep you company and help you feel safe until you get where you're going. 

While you're out

If you are feeling uncomfortable or need help on a night out there are number of different ways to get support. In an emergency you should always call 999.

Drink spiking

A person’s drink can be spiked to make them more vulnerable for a variety of reasons, including theft, sexual assault, or as an attempted joke. Drink ‘spiking’ includes the act of adding alcohol (not just other unwanted chemicals) to a drink.

Drink spiking is taken very seriously and carries a maximum 10 year prison sentence. Adding a few extra shots to a friend’s drink may seem like a harmless bit of fun but not only could it ruin a good night out, it could also result in serious criminal charges.

Don’t leave your drink unattended and never accept a drink if you haven’t seen it being poured/opened, or accept a drink from someone you don’t know or trust.

It can be a scary experience and it’s important to be able to recognise the signs your drink has been spiked or how to help someone you suspect has been a victim. If you start to feel strange or more drunk than you should be, then get help straight away.

Find out more about recognising the signs of drink spiking and getting help.

Ask for Angela (Exeter and Penryn)

At the Exeter Students’ Guild venues (The Lemon Grove and The Ram), at the Penryn campus (The Stannary), and in many other venues the Ask for Angela initiative can provide a safe way out of a situation. If you're in a vulnerable or just uncomfortable situation and need help, ask for "Angela" at the bar or to a member of staff. They will then take you to a safe place in the venue, where a parent, friend or taxi can be called and if necessary the other person asked to leave the venue. Your safety is paramount and staff will have been trained to deal with such a situation.

Street Pastors 

Street Pastors help all people, whether or not you have a faith. They offer reassurance, safety and support through listening, caring and helping.

Exeter Street Pastors are out on a Friday and Saturday night in Exeter City Centre

In Falmouth, Feet on the Street volunteers are out in the town on a Saturday night.

Best Bar None accredited venues (Exeter)

Look out for Best Bar None accredited bars, cafes, clubs and venues both on and off campus. They display maroon BBN plaques which means the staff are trained to look out for your wellbeing. Ask for Angela also operates in BBN venues. 

Night Bus service (Exeter)

We work with Stagecoach to provide a Night Bus service in Exeter. It runs on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, from late evening until 04:00 during term time between the city centre and the student accommodation. See the latest Night Bus timetable.

You can use all Stagecoach network tickets on this service along with the discounted Unirider tickets. The single fare is only £2 as the University has subsidised the service to keep your fares affordable. Download the stagecoach app to track the live location of the bus and buy tickets. 

On campus

Jump to Penryn information


Campus Safety Guide

Our Campus Safety Guide includes information on safer walking routes, CCTV, and tips for staying safe on nights out.

Estate Patrol

Estate Patrol is a mobile, response based service covering all aspects of security, safety and welfare for staff and students.  They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Contact Estate Patrol:

  • Routine: 01392 723999
  • Emergency: 01392 722222


SafeZone is an online app that helps us to help you while on campus, if you request it. It's a quick and easy way to alert Estate Patrol for advice or urgent help when on campus. It alerts the team to your situation and location, so they can support you quickly and effectively.  Find out more.

Residence Life Team

Residence Life Teams support students living in University accommodation. They can provide a listening ear, advice on student life and signposting to other support services.

Night patrol

Residence Patrollers work overnight during term time to provide extra security around the accommodation blocks and also to be available for any welfare issues that might occur out of hours.

The Residence Patrollers are available during the night if you feel that you need to talk with somebody or you have a concern you'd like  to discuss but don’t feel comfortable talking to the Estate Patrol Team.

Neighbourhood Beat Manager

Our University Beat Manager is PC Richard Jephcott, whose details can be found on the Community pages



Need help now?

See the Safety and Support pages for details of how to get urgent help, particularly out of hours.

Campus Safety and Support

The Campus Safety and Support team is available for students, staff and visitors 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. They’re available as a point of contact for welfare-related issues outside normal working hours for students.

You can contact them on 01326 255875 or in an emergency (or if you need First Aid) call 01326 254444.

Watch our Campus Safety and Support video to find out more about how the team can help you.


SafeZone is an online app that helps us to help you while on campus, if you request it. It's a quick and easy way to alert Campus Safety and Support for advice or urgent help when on campus. It alerts the team to your situation and location, so they can support you quickly and effectively. Find out more.

Knowledge Spa, Truro - Due to Knowledge Spa's location, University security teams from our Exeter or Penryn Campuses will be unable to attend in person. If you require emergency assistance, please call the emergency services on 999. Alternatively, you can contact the NHS Helpdesk on 01872 252468 or for security concerns call the NHS Security team on 01872 252999.

Night Services team

If you need help out of hours you can contact the Night Services team based at Glasney Lodge. They also conduct regular out of hours patrols of each of the residences. They can help with concerns about noise, behaviour or welfare – you can call them on 01326 253503.

The Students’ Union

Your Students’ Union can signpost you to support and help you find the information and advice you need.

Multifaith Chaplaincy

The Multifaith Chaplaincy is here to offer pastoral and spiritual care to all students – whether or not you are a person of faith. You can get in touch with them at or visit them at Cottage 8, Tremough Barton Cottages, Monday – Friday 09:00 to 17:00. 

Watch our Chaplaincy video to find out more.

Sexual consent

Consent means that you have given permission, or that someone has given you permission to engage in any intimate activity for sex. Any sexual contact without consent is illegal.

Consent is an essential part of healthy relationships and it’s really important to know what it is and the many ways to spot it. Both you and the person you’re with always need to consent before sex or any intimate activity.

Take our Consent Training to help you understand the importance of consent and the issues around it, so that you can enjoy healthy and respectful relationships, and support your friends and classmates better.  

When you or someone says no, then it means no. If someone is not able to give consent, this also means no.

Sexual misconduct can have a devastating impact on those who experience it, and cause significant physical and psychological harm as well as being a violation of human dignity.

We take sexual misconduct extremely seriously and expect that all members of our community will take responsibility for building and maintaining an inclusive, equal, positive and safe cultural environment for all.

We understand that coming forward to report sexual misconduct can be hard. We will take any reports of sexual misconduct seriously and make sure individuals are treated with dignity and respect and receive support.

You can find out more, including how to report, and what to do if someone shares with you that they have experienced sexual misconduct on our sexual misconduct pages.

Please do reach out to us if you have been affected by any type of sexual misconduct or harassment. You can speak confidentially to a trained lead for sexual misconduct who can be emailed at . We encourage you to report incidents so we can ensure you receive the support you need. 

Hate crime

Hate crime is against the law.

A hate crime is any crime perceived to have been motivated by hostility or prejudice. It can be committed against a person or their property based on:

  • Disability
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity
  • or any part of someone’s personal identity

Hate crimes can include things like:

  • Being called names or other forms of verbal abuse
  • Being sent offensive letters, emails or text messages
  • Being attacked or threatened with violence
  • Having your property interfered with or damaged

If any of these things are happening to you, you should report them to the police and also report them to the University.

The University and police take reports of hate crime seriously. We have a zero tolerance approach to hate crime and work together on this.

The police are committed to investigating all forms of hate crime. The University cannot report a hate crime to the police on your behalf but we can support you in making a complaint to the police.

If you are not sure if you have experienced a crime or not, we would still encourage you to report it to the police or talk to someone about this. Sometimes what you have experienced may not be a crime, but if it is motivated by hostility or prejudice these are called hate incidents and these are also monitored by the police.

How do I report?

If it is an emergency where life is threatened, people are injured or offenders are nearby and an urgent response is required, ring 999.

You can report hate crime to the police in a number of different ways:

If you do not wish to report to the police direct, you can report through a third party who may also be able to provide help and guidance:

By reporting through a third party you can remain anonymous if you wish to, but please read the guidance on the provider website about how to do this.

The University cannot report a hate crime to the police on your behalf but we can support you to make a report to the police. You can ask for this support when you report an incident informally or formally or through the Wellbeing Service or the Student Cases team.

You can read more about hate crime, how to report and support available on the Devon and Cornwall Police website.

Fire safety

We’re committed to your safety and do all we can to reduce the chances of a fire occurring. Fortunately, fires and other emergencies are very rare but please read the following advice to help keep you safe:

  • If you hear a fire alarm leave the building immediately (don’t stop to collect your belongings) and don’t go back in until authorised to do so
  • Make yourself aware of the emergency exits from your building/s and never obstruct these routes or doorways.
  • Don't wedge open Fire Doors.
  • Don’t cover up, or remove, any fire or smoke detectors
  • Be careful when cooking and don’t leave cooking appliances unattended. Don’t use appliances (including toasters) in any room other than the kitchen
  • Don’t overload plug sockets
  • Switch off electrical equipment like hair straighteners and mobile phone chargers when you're not using them.

Watch our video for important information on fire safety in University accommodation.

And also see the Fire safety advice from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service and Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service.

Private rented accommodation

If you’re in private accommodation your landlord should have given you fire safety information – if not ask your landlord for it, or seek advice from Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue service

Using decorations

If you want to put up some decorations for Christmas or other occasions think carefully about whether they may be flammable and don’t put them near lights or heat sources. Remember, candles and other open flames aren’t allowed in residential halls and most private rented accommodation. 

**Always know your escape route – the quickest way out – and have an alternative plan**

Where to go for urgent medical help

You don’t have to go to A&E (accident and emergency department) at the hospital for urgent medical help.  

A&E can have a very long wait and might not be may not be the best option for your needs. Attending when it’s not necessary can prevent very poorly people getting the care they need quickly. 

NHS Quicker

NHS Quicker is a free app that provides live waiting and travel times for NHS services providing urgent care across Devon and Cornwall.

The app provides information about healthcare services available to you based on your location, helping you to choose the right service and spend less time waiting.

Use NHS Quicker in your web browser

You can also download the NHS Quicker app to use on your phone:

Walk-in or urgent care centres provide services for when you need medical attention that’s not life-threatening, such as cuts, sprains, strain, bruises, itchy rashes, stings, minor burns and infections. 

Please note, that if you need a medical certificate for uni purposes, such as to prove ill health for an exam or to obtain a deadline extension for an essay or assignment, the Walk-in or urgent care centre can’t do this for you. Medical certificates can only be obtained from your doctor.