Travelling by car
Car sharing
New Mobilityways App: The Liftshare App is changing its name
The Liftshare App is changing its name. On 17 March the new Mobilityways app will replace it.
If you are signed up to the Liftshare App the changeover should be easy. All you have to do is:
1. Download the free Mobilityways app
2. Log in with your previous email and password
3. Update or add a journey to find a match
4. Authenticate your shared journey with your match at pickup
To celebrate the launch for the next 4 weeks, you could win a £10 Amazon Voucher by simply adding a journey AND every week you authenticate your shared journey you will also be entered into a weekly prize draw to win a £10 Amazon voucher.
Driving a car is the least sustainable travel option, but carsharing can limit the impact on the environment. It reduces single occupancy journeys, carbon emissions, congestion and the cost of travel.
For those staff and students entitled to a standard parking permit, you can apply for a free car share permit (once you have created and confirmed your Liftshare Team).
To access free parking spaces and the University of Exeter Liftshare rewards please remember to authenticate every time you carshare to campus, through the Mobilityways app
Visit the University of Exeter Liftshare page to find out more and to register.
FAQs will be added below shortly.
Those eligible for a standard car parking permit are eligible to apply for a free car share permit.
Visit the car parking permit pages for details of how to apply.
- Drivers will be required to exchange previously held annual permits at the time of issue of a car share permit
- On days where the team does not share (i.e. holidays, sickness, etc), the lowest rate of pay and display fee will apply when used with an Authority to Park badge
To access a free car share permit please ensure:
- You are a registered University of Exeter Liftshare member
- You are in a Liftshare Team with 1 or more other member from the University of Exeter Liftshare community
- You have applied for and collected a car share permit from the University Parking team
- You have downloaded the Mobilityways app
- You successfully authenticate (with your Liftshare' teammate) each day you car share to get to campus which will validate the car share permit
- You display the car share permit on the days you have shared a lift
The Car Share Policy 2025 tells you how to:
- access the University of Exeter Liftshare community
- use the Mobilityways app to access the free parking permits and priority parking spaces
- access the Emergency Travel Home (staff only)
- access the App rewards
Car share permit holders are entitled to park in the 2+ car share spaces. On days where the team does not share (i.e. holidays, sickness, etc), non-car sharing spaces must be used.
The 2+ car sharing spaces (denoted by blue 2+ markings in the parking bay) are available at locations across both the Streatham and St Luke's campus. See the full list of 2+ parking locations.
All spaces will revert to standard parking after 9.30am and at weekends.
To access the priority car share parking spaces you must authenticate every time you carshare to campus with the Mobilityways app
The Emergency Travel Home Scheme funds/part-funds formal Liftshare Teams (staff only) for a return journey home should their lift fail in the event of an emergency or problem.
Applicants must be the passenger; the scheme assumes that the driver will make their own arrangements.
The scheme works by retrospectively reimbursing the costs incurred by an employee’s return journey home via an alternative mode of travel. Please note that the individual Liftshare team member is responsible for arranging their own return journey.
Details, including terms and conditions, process, modes of travel and eligibility are available on the Emergency Travel Home Policy and claim form 2023.
Car Share Journey Planner
You can use car share for University business. Simply register your travel between Devon and Cornwall campuses using the Car Share Journey Planner and find a car share partner. See our Car Share Journey Planner User Guide.
For more information on business travel visit our Finance pages
Electric charging bays
Car Park B on Streatham campus has 30 electric charging bays. 10 bays (marked green) are currently reserved for electric cars when they are actively charging. There are an additional 20 electric charging bays, which anyone with a parking permit can use at any time.
How to use electric charging bays
- Parking in electric charging parking bays - if you are a permit holder you can register with Pod Point, who manage our chargers and log in with their app. Please not that visitors wishing to use the chargers must display a visitors’ permit issued from the department they are visiting.
- Using the charging points - download the Pod Point app, load it with money and plug in your car. Electric Charging Bays user guide.
- How much does it cost? - from 1 August 2024, to charge a car it costs 40p per kW hour, in line with the average domestic electricity rate. It takes under 8 hours to fill.
Park and Ride
Park and Ride offers a convenient and easy alternative to driving and parking on campus. Simply park for free at one of the sites and buy your ticket onboard.
Further information on parking can be found below
Please note there is no parking on campus for staff or students who reside within EX1, EX2 and EX4 (see exemptions)