Energy, water and construction
Energy action
- Powered on renewable energy since 2017 - 100% REGO certified
- 2023 REGO certificate - was valid until March 2024
- Zero carbon electricity tariff from Apr 25-March 26
- First UK corporate renewable power purchase agreement, supplying 20% of the University’s electricity baseload
- Amongst leaders in the Russell Group for renewable energy generation with circa 1.5 megawatt of energy from our campus solar PV
- Potential to double our solar PV generation across University assets over the next 3-5 years
- Duryard PV Solar Project has been completed
- 700 solar panels installed on Harrison Building in 2022
- More than 1700 new photovoltaic (PV) panels were added to roofs on Daphne Du Maurier, Peter Lanyon Building and the Sports Centre on Penryn Campus in 2023.
- A planning application has been submitted to Cornwall Council for a single wind turbine near Penryn campus
- LED lighting installation - recent projects include Peter Lanyard Building, Holland Hall and the Cricket Centre
- Building Management System (BMS) - programmed to provide a comfortable environment for occupants whilst maximising our energy efficiency
- Tracking, monitoring and identifying locations where energy wastage is highest through our energy and carbon reporting management software. Further information on our energy usage can be found in our Energy Summary Report 2022-23.
- Energy mapping – the Geoffrey Pope Building has undergone extensive energy mapping, including thermal imaging assessments, to provide energy savings. You can read the full report here: Energy mapping of Geoffrey Pope Building.
We need everyone to think about what energy they use. Working together, we can all make small changes that collectively will make a significant difference in helping us to reach our goal of net zero by 2030 as well as achieving a cost reduction in our energy use.
YOU can make a difference. This includes practical measures such as:
- switching off your computer or laptop screen when its not in use
- turning off lights when leaving a room
- unplugging unused electrical items including mobile chargers
- only using the water that you need if boiling a kettle
- taking shorter showers
- wearing extra layers
- Ranked 1st in the World for SDG 6 - Clean Water & Sanitation - in the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings
- Water reduction programme – conducting a review of current water consumption across our buildings, to inform and identify initiatives to reduce water use
- Water consumption tracking and monitoring – improving our data capture via our data management system to reduce our overall water consumption
- Read our Water Consumption and Reuse Report 2022-23 for an example – including water reuse, such as rainwater harvesting (page 2)
- Propelair project, a Horizon 2020 funded collaboration between the University of Exeter's Centre for Water Systems and Propelair, including the installation of ultra-low water use toilets which has saved over three million litres of water
- Water Resilient Policy– integrating water management and maximising water reduction
- Prioritising water conservation in our labs
- The University of Exeter holds a licence to abstract water from its Topsham Road Sports Centre