Success for All Governance

Success for All Governance 

Success for All is part of our education governance structure and focuses on equality, diversity and inclusion issues affecting our student community.   

The Success for All Strategy Group (SfA SG) is co-chaired by academic and professional services leads and reports up to the University Executive Board via the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience. Alignment with our wider Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work is achieved through representation on the Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee. This leads on EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) policy, staff-facing initiatives and institutional frameworks including the Race Equality Charter and Mental Health Charter.   

Group  Focus Co-Chairs
Success for All Strategy Group
  • Strategic direction and alignment
  • Regulatory and policy matters

Nicola Sinclair, Head of Access, Participation and Outreach 


Professor Vrinda Nayak, Associate Dean for Taught Students (Race Equality and Inclusion) 



A number of working groups have been created, under the structure detailed below, all report to the Success for All Strategy Group. 





Fair access and widening participation 

  • Supporting the attainment of school pupils through educational partnerships, teaching enrichment and initiatives.
  • Widening and diversifying our applicant pool e.g. targeted recruitment and progression support; programme development; contextual offers and admissions support
  • Encouraging and supporting underrepresented students to progress to HE e.g. through our fair access schemes like Exeter Scholars, online outreach via Discover University
  • Working extensively with pupils, teachers and schools providing advice, guidance, teaching enrichment, skills support and CPD

Nicola Sinclair, Head of Access, Participation and Outreach

Transition and Induction 

  • Developing a university-wide framework for transition and induction
  • Providing academic, wellbeing and practical support for widening participation students joining the university via enhanced transition
  • Specialist support for students with disabilities before they start their studies

Professor Alison Truelove, Associate Professor in Critical Practice, Lead Academic Tutor and Director of the Centre for Innovation in Business Education

Success and Inclusive Education Working Group

  • Embedding inclusive education within our policies and procedures
  • Developing strategies to address gaps in retention and degree outcomes
  • Development of good practice toolkits to help academics embed inclusive practice e.g Education Toolkit
  • Supporting personal tutors and making improvements to our academic tutoring system
  • Creating Inclusive Education champions within faculties to provide specialist student support
  • Developing approaches to embed inclusive programme and module design
  • Supporting anti-racist pedagogies and sharing good practice on decolonial and inclusive curricula

Professor Vrinda Nayak, Associate Academic Dean for Taught Students (Race, Equality and Inclusive Education)


  • Addressing gaps in graduate outcomes particularly students on low household incomes
  • Creating employability and networking opportunities for widening participation students through a variety of schemes such as A2I and Professional Pathways
  • Providing bespoke employability consultancy for key student groups
  • Opening opportunities for international and/or field experience for all students

Paul Blackmore, Head of Student Employability and Academic Success





Student Funding and affordability 

  • Developing and evaluating effective funding and bursary support
  • Creation of the Success for All Fund – a one-stop shop for accessible hardship and bursary support and self-help tools
  • Evaluating efficacy of Access to Exeter Bursary and recommending improvements
  • Facilitating join up and signposting for students needing financial help with other wellbeing and support services when needed and vice versa
Nicola Sinclair, Head of Access, Participation and Outreach

Under-represented Students 

  • Consultation and research to understand the needs of specific student groups
  • Development of policies and support e.g. for estranged students, student carers and care leavers
  • Adoption of best practice frameworks e.g. Care Leavers’ Covenant and NNECL Quality Mark etc.

Natalie Bracher, Access and Success Officer

Diversity in Postgraduate Education

  • Research and analysis to understand barriers to access and success in postgraduate study
  • Policy and intervention development to better support widening participation at PG level

Professor Stacey Hynd, Dean of Postgraduate Research and of the Doctoral College 


Professor Beverley Hawkins, Dean for Taught Students

International Student Experience 

  • To understand the international student experience at the University of Exeter by utilising data, research and evidence from the perspective of these students.
  • Addressing themes, gaps and persistent challenges which mean that international students are not able to reach their full potential in their studies with us.
  • Enabling an inclusive university culture as part of our Success for All plan as well as our ambitions to create a global culture and broaden international partnerships across our research and education as part of our Global Strategy.   


James Hutchinson, Director of Education Services and Student Experience 

Group Focus Chair/ Co-Chairs
Regional Social Mobility 
  • Working regionally to build capacity and support social mobility e.g through research, regional skills collaborations and our UniConnect partnerships.

Louise Osborne, Assistant Director, Skills, and Regional Engagement 


Nicola Sinclair, Head of Access, Participation and Outreach