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Angela Boulton, MBA

Why did you choose to study here?

Because of the unique position of the University, its opportunities for growth, and the global rankings the Business School occupied. I checked a wide range of global and UK-based rankings, and they all provided fantastic references about the University of Exeter. Besides, the Business School was the only one in the world that offered an MBA focused on sustainability. The list of alumni and the range of corporate partners of both the University and the MBA was also of great interest to me.

What did you enjoy most about studying here?

The educational resources, the unique location, and the continuous support from all the Faculty throughout my MBA.

Did you use the Careers Service while you were at Exeter?

Yes, I did. I wanted to connect with some professionals of the Exepert Scheme. They provided me with a list of contacts in my area of choice: Consulting. Likewise, they checked my CV, when I was seeking employment prior to and after the MBA.

What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?

After the MBA I completed an internship at a Boutique Management Consulting firm in London, I volunteered for environmental and educational projects, and a year later I took a position as a Strategy Manager in Reward, a technology start-up.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

The fast growth that comes with working within the technology industry, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the team. My role enables me to interact with members of all the different teams and to work in conjunction with the Chief of Operations to translate business strategies into actionable projects that give us a sustainable competitive advantage.

How have your University of Exeter studies helped in your career?

The different consulting projects that I completed as part of the MBA were fundamental to gain some important soft skills and technical knowledge, that are very helpful now. For instance, dealing with a client as a consultant, pitching for an idea, analysing the strategy of a firm, and collaborating as part of a team to achieve common goals.

Do you have any advice for current students wishing to pursue your career?

Yes. I would advise them to use the full range of opportunities the University offers. Coursework can be highly demanding, but it cannot be an excuse not to get involved with the wider academic community, and the projects they develop.

What are your plans for the future?

To continue adding value to my current company, and to further my studies with consulting certifications. In the long term, I want to start a PhD to consolidate my learning in the area of strategy.

Do you have any tips or advice on being employable?

Choose the career that responds best to your interests, and that matches your inner drive. You will spend more time with your colleagues than with your family and friends, so make sure you choose an industry and a company that is aligned with your personal values, and ambitions.

Angela Boulton, MBA

Angela is now a Technology Strategy Manager at Accenture.