Luke Pollard MP

Alumnus Luke Pollard (he/him) is a member of Parliament for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport and we recently caught up with him ahead of LGBTQ+ History Month 2023 to hear about the changes he'd like to see take place in regards to LGBTQ+ rights and more.

What does LGBTQ+ History month mean to you/why is it important to you?

LGBTQ+ people have been written out of our history, marginalised and oppressed for centuries. LGBTQ+ History Month is a chance to celebrate the achievements of fellow LGBTQ+ people, challenge hate and stigma and make the positive and relentlessly hopeful case for equality. With hate on the rise in Britain and around the world, celebrating diversity is a clear way we can all challenge discrimination.

Do you have any LGBTQ+ role models that inspire you? Who and why?

As a proud Janner (someone from Plymouth) it has to be Tom Daley. He is unafraid of being himself in the public eye. As a kid of the 90s, the Queer as Folk TV show told our story for the first time and Netflix's Heartstopper is doing that for a whole new generation. I've met the cast and was impressed by how being themselves they can be a role model for people across the world. 

What career or personal achievement/s are you most proud of?

I once described myself as a "massive gay" in a debate in Parliament about LGBT rights and the video of that has got millions of views, but actually, the thing I'm most proud of is being able to represent Plymouth, where I come from, where I was born and where I live. Being an MP is an incredible privilige and I want to use the platform I have not only to be an unapologetic champion of the south west but also someone who challenges hate and promotes equality. 

Progress has been made in terms of LGBTQ+ rights, equality, and inclusion but what is a change would still like to see?

I want to see a proper trans-inclusive ban on LGBT conversion therapy to end the legal loophole on people being able to torture and abuse LGBT people because of their gender identity or sexuality. It's been a long campaign but we are nearly there.

Do you have any advice for students at the university?

Be yourself. Being authentically you means you will be happier, healthier and succeed faster than carrying around the weight of a life hidden from public view.