
The University of Exeter US Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3), and donations to it by U.S. tax payers are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The University of Exeter is committed to protecting your personal data and working in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. Your data is used for alumni and supporter engagement activities, including fundraising. For more details, please see our full data protection statement at:

To make your gift online by Visa, MasterCard etc please click here:

If you prefer to give via PayPal then please contact formore details.

Please note that if you donate by credit card, our credit card processor will provide you with your IRS tax receipt, and you will receive a separate letter from the Foundation.  

To make your gift by mail, please make your check payable to the ‘University of Exeter US Foundation’.

To ensure that we accurately reflect your wishes, and are able to send your receipt, please include the following information with your check: 

  • Title
  • First name 
  • Last name 
  • Name at graduation (if different) 
  • Year of Graduation 
  • Subject of study 
  • Your email address 
  • Your postal address 
  • Amount of donation in USD 
  • The area you would like your donation to support 

The address of the Foundation is:
University of Exeter US Foundation
244 Fifth Avenue Suite #S298
New York, NY

Please note: mail is forwarded to the secretary every few weeks for processing, so if you would like your donation to be reflected immediately, please select an online giving option.

To make a gift via wire transfer to the University of Exeter US Foundation, please contact Doug Ebanks, the Treasurer, at for instructions and assistance. 

To make a gift of securities to the University of Exeter US Foundation, please contact Doug Ebanks, the Treasurer, at for instructions and assistance.

If your employer supports matched giving, you may wish to ask them to match your donation to the Foundation. In such a case, please forward the forms to Doug Ebanks, the Treasurer, at for instructions and assistance. 

If you are interested in making a gift in your Will, please contact Doug Ebanks, the Treasurer, at, or for instructions and assistance. To read more about how to leave a gift in your will and the impact it makes, please visit this webpage.

You may also designate the foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement assets such as your IRA or 401(k). Retirement assets will generally pass directly to your beneficiaries (including charities) without going through probate. You may also wish to make the Foundation a beneficiary of your donor-advised fund. Contact your plan administrator for details on how to designate your assets.

Please downland, print and post the donation form to the addresses listed below, or save a copy, complete it, then attach to an email and email to

Global Advancement, University of Exeter, 
Northcote House, The Queen’s Drive, 
Exeter, Devon EX4 4QJ

Through qualified charitable distribution from your IRA: 

If you would like to donate your retirement plan assets and are age 70 ½ or older, you can contribute from your IRA directly to the foundation and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution. Ask your plan administrator to send the gift to The University of Exeter US Foundation (EIN: 47-1604216), 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite #S298, New York, NY 10001-7604.  

Through your 401(k) or 403(b): 

If you would like to donate through these assets, you will need to cash them out, paying the income tax attributable to the distribution and then donate the proceeds. 

If you are interested in either of these options, please contact Doug Ebanks, the Treasurer, at for instructions and assistance. 

To make a gift from your donor-advised fund (DAF), send the grant from your DAF to The University of Exeter US Foundation (EIN: 47-1604216), 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite #S298, New York, NY 10001-7604. Please note DAFs may not be used for pledge schedules, but can be used for outright gifts. A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to qualified charities.