Natasha Bellinger

The one thing that Peter did, which no one else seemed to do at the time, was prepare me for disappointment. The legal profession is highly competitive and obtaining pupillage is especially difficult. At one stage after I had completed my Bar Course, I was feeling downhearted from making countless applications for pupillage to no avail despite getting interviews. Peter was great at getting me to adapt my applications and understand what future employers wanted. The numerous pep talks he gave me grounded me and ensured I understood the importance of having a plan B. He was great at getting me to recognise what I had to offer, challenging and supporting me. Fortunately, plan A worked out well in the end. His wise words helped to guide my career development at a crucial stage and had such a positive impact.
Natasha Bellinger (Law, 2011) was mentored by Peter Baldwin, a partner at Ropes and Gray. She is now a Barrister at Magdalen Chambers.