The Education Board Outcomes

From October 2022:

Please contact if you would like to receive a copy of the Outcomes of the Education Board. These are now stored within SharePoint.

Prior to October 2022:

These pages are designed to act as a summary of recent changes to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meetings of the Education Board. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as a substitute for having read the  minutes and papers.

If there are any queries about this page, please contact

06 October 2021

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 06 October 2021. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.


The policy and process option confirmed for the next academic year comprises:

Coursework Self-Certification: Using the existing BART system to enable a workaround “self-certification” system for students in terms of a limited number of one-week extensions. Bart development has begun and should be completed in time for first assignments due at the beginning of October. This will only be available for assessments due to be submitted to BART and not for any other assessment system. In some instances regulated professional programmes may have regulations in place that prohibit access to the evidence-free extension. Departments will be expected to advise students if this is the case for any of their assessments.

Evidenced Mitigation: The mitigation process for additional extensions beyond one week or deferrals would revert to pre-Covid eligibility and evidence requirements, with some adjustments for types and sources of evidence accepted.

The proposed revisions to Chapter 10 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook (Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals) can be found in Appendix A of the tracked changes paper.

Details of revised accepted evidence and eligible mitigation reasons are listed in Annex F of Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook can be found in Appendix B of the tracked changes paper.

Mitigation tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 10 and Annex F

Quality Review Framework (QRF)

The QRF is to be renamed as the 'Quality Review and Enhancement Framework' (QREF), to better align with and to reflect the activities involved in quality review, and that other complementary edits be added. Additional information has been added to section 1 of the QRF to better illustrate quality review and enhancement activities, and how they complement each other. These additional amendments ensure that the QRF focuses on the enhancement of programmes and quality provision, in keeping with the proposed Periodic Programme Quality Enhancement Review Policy.

Quality Review Framework tracked changes

Quality Review & Enhancement Framework

Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement (USPE)

It has been noted that one section of wording in the Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement procedure can be interpreted to mean that the policy should not be run in conjunction with the Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study, Guidance on Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties, and Fitness to Practise procedures. An amendment to one word from ‘will’ to ‘may’ of the USPE procedure is proposed to confirm that the procedures can be run in conjunction with each other so long as students are clearly advised of the support available and the policies and process that will be followed to best enable them to engage with their studies.

USPE tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 15, Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement

Principal External Examiner and Degree Outcomes Statement

Chapter 7 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook is updated in order to change the title of Chief External Examiner to Principal External Examiner, align the availability of degree outcomes data on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes with the June and November UAPACs respectively and incorporate the receipt of the annual Degree Outcomes Statement. In addition, a new Chapter 13 with Annexes H, I and J are added to the handbook in order to embed the annual internal review of degree classifications, the annual external publication of a Degree Outcomes Statement and to include a generalised timeline for the completion of the cycle within the academic year.

DOSG tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 7Chapter 13Annex HAnnex I and Annex J

*Taught Student Attendance and Engagement Policy*

With the development of wholly online programmes it is necessary to ensure that the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual and the University ordinances are updated to be inclusive of online programmes. This includes clarifying what attendance means in an online context.

Taught Student Attendance and Engagement Policy tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 29, Taught Student Attendance and Engagement Policy

*Ordinance 6*

MSci (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)

Amendments to the Credit and Qualifications Framework to include MSci (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography) as an adjunct to the existing BSc (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography).

MSci (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography) tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework - Annex A

Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing

Amendments to the Credit and Qualifications Framework and Regulations to include the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing programme.

Practice Certificate tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework - Annex A

Regulations 1.27

Late Submission of work resubmitted as a result of a Penalty C Academic Misconduct Outcome

Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook should be amended to state that late submission of a piece of work that should be capped under penalty C should be treated in line with late submissions of referred work, namely ‘Referred coursework which is submitted beyond the submission deadline must receive a mark of zero, unless an application for mitigation is approved’.

Late Submission of work tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 12, Academic Conduct and Practice

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSSP)

HWSSP has been reviewed to identify improvements. The review identified a number of areas where changes to the Procedure will provide clarity and improve the HWSS process for staff and students.

HWSSP tracked changes

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSSP)

Fitness to Practise

The Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research) and the Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice programmes have been added to Annex 1 of the FtP Procedures.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise(FtP)

**Online Programmes**

Online Programmes are being developed which will allow for students to study specific PGT programmes online on a part-time basis. In the first tranche, the programmes will be made up of self-contained modules that can be taken in any sequence. Each module will last one term and students will sign up for modules on a pay as you go basis. While it is envisaged that the programmes will follow standard TQA policies wherever possible, it is necessary to add specific provisions around some areas of policy as follows:

Changes to Chapter 11 Consequences of failure in assessment of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook to allow for progression decisions to be taken at the end of each module.

Under the current APL policy, credits are considered to have a currency of up to five years but this can be extended at the discretion of the Programme Director. As this would involve the transfer of 100% Exeter credits the normal rules around APL need to be relaxed.

When transferring credit to an award-bearing programme a student will only be permitted to transfer repeated modules up to the credit value of one stage of their programme of study. This is in line with the principle that a student can only be permitted to undertake repeat study once in their programme of study (11.5.1b of Chapter 11 Consequences of failure in assessment of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook).

Online Programmes tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11 Consequences of Failure

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning

* The update to the Ordinances to be approved at the next meeting of Council*

** This item was approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and not included in the Agenda and Papers for 06 October 2021.

03 February 2022

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 03 February 2022. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Online Programmes

Online Programmes are being developed which will allow for students to study specific PGT programmes online on a part-time basis. In the first tranche, the programmes will be made up of self-contained modules that can be taken in any sequence. Each module will last one term and students will sign up for modules on a pay as you go basis. While it is envisaged that the programmes will follow standard TQA policies wherever possible, it is necessary to add specific provisions around some areas of policy.

Online programmes tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11 Consequences of failure in assessment

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning


The examples of circumstances which may be considered to have significantly affected a student’s performance in Annex F of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook have been updated.

Mitigation Annex F tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Annex F

No Disadvantage Guarantee Changes to Preponderance

The broader preponderance boundaries, as introduced as part of the No Disadvantage Guarantee in 2020/21 academic year, will continue to be used for subsequent graduating cohorts who were also impacted by the Covid pandemic with regard to stage outcomes that contribute to their final award.

NDG Preponderance tracked changes

Exceptional Years Handbook - Chapter 6 No Disadvantage Guarantee Policy

Health Wellbeing and Support for Study

As part of the HWSS Review the Level 3 procedure has been amended and in future Level 3 meetings are to be chaired by an independent senior College representative and students should not normally be invited to attend a Level 3 meeting and that they may submit a written statement in advance if they wish.

HWSS tracked changes

Health Wellbeing and Support for Study

Quality Review and Enhancement Framework (QREF)

Chapter 4 External Examining (EE) of the Quality Review and Enhancement Framework (QREF) will become a standalone handbook and titled External Examining Handbook. The EE Handbook will be updated to signpost to the breath of activity our external colleagues provide including the External Assessor roles (for the amendment and approval of taught programmes), External Advisor roles (for curriculum review, reviews of programmes, and other specialist support for taught programmes), Principal External Examiner role (for cross-university degree outcomes and standards for taught programmes), and relevant External Examiner requirements and information for PGR programmes. The EE Handbook aims to provide a more comprehensive and cohesive picture and to better signpost users to relevant sections of the TQA Manual.

QREF Chapter 4 tracked changes

External Examining Handbook

Quality Review and Enhancement Framework (QREF)

Chapters 1 and 2 of the QREF updated with some minor amendments to provide clarity that Quality Review is also relevant for Degree Apprenticeships, INTO Programmes, and programmes held in partnership with UK and international partners, to provide clarity on the current use of the Annual Module Review (AMR) policy/process as an academic tool for self-reflection on modules, and for considering improvements to modules, and to better align the QREF to current practices.

QREF Chapters 1 and 2 tracked changes


Support for Students returning from medical interruption

Chapter 13 Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook updated to mirror the new PGR policy and to have two separate processes for students returning from medical interruption. These are the standard process (for students returning from short-term illnesses) and enhanced (escalation to a more enhanced return to study procedure) which ensures that those students returning from more long-term or impactful conditions are offered more support upon their return to study. For standard or short periods of medical interruption we will make the process more straightforward for students who have short term illnesses or who do not require ongoing support to return. This will also help to ensure that more staff support time is available for students returning with more complex needs.

Interruption and voluntary withdrawal tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 13 Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students

*Repeat study and individual adjustments via mitigation

Chapter 11 Consequences of failure in assessment of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook be updated to provide clarification around exit routes and delay to repeat study.

Consequences of failure tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11 Consequence of failure in assessment

Programme Approval Handbook

Two minor amendments to the Handbook for Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes have been made. The amendments are the addition of wording to reflect the strategic decision-making process in the Colleges ahead of business approval and a minor change to emphasise that the categories are based on risk. Both changes are required to meet the recommendations of the PwC audit.

Programme Approval Handbook tracked changes

Handbook for Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes

Special Provisions for Healthcare Programmes

The ‘Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees’ is renamed ‘Special Provisions for Healthcare Programmes’, and there are separate sub-sections for each programme.

Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees tracked changes

Special Provisions for Healthcare Programmes

Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF) Annex A

The addition to Annex A of Foundation Degree in Business to improve progression and alignment with the existing University of Exeter and Exeter College provision offer (BA (Ord) Business Management).

CQF Annex A tracked changes

CQF Annex A

Mitigation – CEDAR programmes

Chapter 10: Mitigation of the Assessment Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes handbook updated to allow for students on CEDAR programmes to apply for Mitigation on the grounds of clinical circumstances. Annex F of Chapter 10 updated to list the accepted evidence for applications of the grounds of clinical circumstances and also, for students employed in organisations or on a placement as trainees as part of their programme of study, for their manager/supervisor or service lead to be listed as being able to provide statements in support of a mitigation application.

Mitigation CEDAR programmes tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 10 Mitigation

Fitness to Practise (FtP) Procedures

The FtP procedures updated with an updated list of regulated programmes, details of how Regulation E will interact with the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure, and an alternative Fitness to Practise pathway for Postgraduate Certificate of Education programmes.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes

Fitness to Practise (FtP) Procedures

 * Repeat study updates to Chapter 11 not yet completed, minor amendments to amendments to be carried out

08 June 2022

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 08 June 2022. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Interruptions and Withdrawals - Delegation of Approval

Chapter 13 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook is updated and the approval process for retrospective applications for interruption and withdrawal in excess of four weeks from the point of application is now delegated to College level. The DoE, and ADR or, DPGR, or DDPGR, have closer involvement with relevant programmes and it makes sense for them to take responsibility for the decision-making and approval of applications.

Interruptions and Withdrawals tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 13 Procedures for the interruption and voluntary withdrawal of taught students

Exceptional Years Handbook

Now that the immediacy of the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, handbook has been reviewed to determine which of the policies should be:

i. retained in the ‘Managing Education Provision in the event of Exceptional Circumstances’ chapter (chapter 2 of the Exceptional Years Handbook);
ii. transferred into standard policy;
iii. archived

This has resulted in changes to a number of TQA handbooks.

Exceptional Years Handbook tracked changes:

a)  Managing Education in Exceptional Circumstances tracked changes
b)  External Examining (Taught Programmes/ Modules) tracked changes
c)  Consequences of Failure in Assessment tracked changes
d)  Setting and Submission of Assessments tracked changes
e)  Marking tracked changes
f)  Examinations, Marking and Academic Conduct and Practice tracked changes

E‌xceptional Years Handbook - Chapter 2 Managing Education in Exceptional Circumstances
External Examining Handbook - Chapter 2 External Examining (Taught Programmes/ Modules)
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11 Consequences of Failure in Assessment
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 5 Marking
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 3 Examinations
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 12 Academic Conduct and Practice

Mitigation and Group Work Submissions

The TQA Manual is updated to reflect mitigation processes where they impact upon Group Work. In particular, the following points are of note:

• Applications for deferral should be approved but it is important that any impact on remaining group members is considered.
• The convenor will need to consider if any adjustments need to be made for remaining group members in terms of expected contributions or if allowance can be made in marking process to take into account that the group size had decreased.

In addition, guidance will be provided to students about how mitigation for group work assignments will be treated.

Mitigation and Group Work tracked changes:

a)     Guidance for Group Work tracked changes
b)     Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals tracked changes

L‌earning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 28 Guidance for Group Work
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 10 Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals

INTO Condonement

An exception and footnote added to the condonement section to paragraph 8.5.1b of Chapter 8 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook directing to a footnote (#5) that it will only be possible where the student has achieved the overall average required for progression from all INTO programmes. The footnote would include links to the INTO Progression webpages which set out the overall grades required for each programme/ College.

INTO Condonement tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 8 Progression

Sports Scholars Mitigation

The application timeline set out in the sports scholars’ mitigation guidance is revised to match the university mitigation guidelines of one month.

Sports Scholars tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 10 Mitigation – 10.1.9 Sports Scholars – Mitigation Guidance

Returning from Medical Interruption

The wording of Chapter 13 Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook is amended for students who are registered on PSRB regulated programmes which also fall under the University’s Fitness to Practise (FTP) policy. These students already meet with Occupational Health professionals ahead of their return to study and therefore an ‘enhanced return from interruption including a meeting with the Welfare Team is not needed’.

Returning from Medical Interruption tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 13 Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students

Repeat Study and Individual Adjustments

Policy changes for Repeat Study and individual adjustments for students with exceptional or cumulative mitigating circumstances were approved following the February Taught Faculty Board (FTP/22/03B). Additional changes are as follows:

• To make reference to the fact that for some programmes, for example those with PSRB regulations, individual adjustments and Repeat Study might not be appropriate or possible in order to manage students’ expectations (Appendix A).
• Section 11.5.1 of Chapter 11, Consequences of Failure in Assessment, of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook would be edited to add more clarity on the circumstances when Repeat Study can be offered (Appendix B).
• INTO students should be able to access this process and therefore that INTO welfare teams should be included (Appendix C).
• A set of guidelines to be drafted of the kind of mitigating circumstances that would make a student eligible for consideration under the Repeat Study/ individual adjustment process and the types of acceptable evidence to support applications. (Appendix C)

Repeat Study tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 10 Mitigation 
Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11 Consequences of Failure in Assessment 

BEng (Hons) Part-Time – Inclusion of a New BEng Award

Now included in the Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF), Annex A, specific regulations governing the award of two new part-time 360-credit, 4-stage BEng awards, the first in the Undergraduate Awards section, the second in the Undergraduate Apprenticeship Awards section.

BEng tracked changes

Annex A - University of Exeter Higher Education Awards

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice

Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook is updated to align with requirements of the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks and bring greater clarity to our understanding of the use of Essay Mills.

Managing Academic Conduct tracked changes

Assessment Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 12 Managing Academic Conduct and Practice

07 October 2020

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 07 October 2020. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Reversal of Examinations Submission Dates

Chapter 2, Setting and Submission of Assessments, of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated to revert back to the original submission dates with no change to bring these forward by two weeks.

Reversal of Exams Submission Dates tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 2

Examinations and Assessment during Period of Interruption

The Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Students has been updated to provide clarity that that the university will not be expecting students to undertake examinations or other assessments during a period of interruption. This is also reflected in Chapter 11 Consequences of Failure in an Assessment of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook.

Examinations and Assessments during Interruption tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 13 - Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Students

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 11

Themes discussed by the Taught student/staff liaison committees (SSLCs)

The list of themes to be discussed by SSLCs during the year has been updated to explicitly ask course representatives to consider equality, diversity and inclusivity related issues in preparation for SSLCs.

SSLCs themes tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 11 - Taught student/staff liaison committees (SSLCs) Code of Good Practice

Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence

Changes to the way in which teaching and learning is to be delivered in the 2020/21 academic year, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, has necessitated a review of the way in which the University regulates and manages student attendance, engagement and absence. This review has resulted in revisions to the relevant regulations and policies. 

Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence tracked changes

General Regulations for Students

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 29 - Taught Student Attendance and Engagement

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 11 - Student Absence

**Changes to Existing Policies in Exceptional Years: mitigation 

To ensure that the process of mitigation remains appropriate for the current academic year, changes are proposed to the mitigation section of the Changes to Existing Policies in Exceptional Years policy in order to clarify that deferrals stemming from Covid-19-related mitigation applications will not be permitted beyond 2020/21 academic year.

Changes to Existing Policies in Exceptional Years: mitigation tracked changes

Exceptional Years Handbook: Changes to Existing Policies in Exceptional Years

**Flexible Combined Honours (FCH) – Consequences of Failure

Chapter 11 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated to provide appropriate guidance for students on FCH programmes to make clear that, in those circumstances where condonement of core subject modules may limit future module choices for FCH students, referral or deferral may be offered.

Flexible Combined Honours Consequences of Failure tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Chapter 11 - Consequences of Failure in Assessment

**New MRes Award

The Credit and Qualifications Framework(CQF) and Regulations have been updated to include the award of a new 240-credit, 2-stage MRes award. The new award is required because the 60-credit Stage 1 will be taught entirely off-campus, with a progression requirement of 65% to progress to the on-campus,180-credit Stage 2. Students who do not meet the progression requirement will exit with a PGCert.

New MRes Award tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes: Section 1.18

 **Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals

Chapter 10 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been amended to refer to ‘assessment’ deferral, rather than stating both examinations and assignments, in order to cover all modes of assessment, including examinations, presentations, coursework, fieldwork etc.

Mitigation: Deadline extension and deferrals tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Chapter 10 - Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals

** These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and not included in the Agenda and Papers for 07 October 2020.

03 February 2021

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 03 February 2021. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence and Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement

With the introduction of the new Student Route to replace Tier 4, UKVI have updated their guidance on attendance and engagement monitoring. As a result the University has a new ‘Engagement Monitoring for Tier 4 & Student Visa Holders. As a consequence, this has necessitated changes to the Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence and Student Unsatisfactory Progress and Engagement procedures in the TQA Manual.

The Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence handbook will now be updated to ensure that the terminology used in the policy is correct and links to the new guidance are included.

The Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement handbook has been reviewed where there were references to monitoring of visa holders within the code. In addition, the handbook has been reviewed and updated more generally including the expiry period of warnings and who may issue the final warning.

Student Attendance, Engagement and Absence tracked changes

Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, Chapter 29 - Taught Student Attendance and Engagement

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 15 - Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement

Accreditation of Prior Learning

The approval process for Accredited Prior Learning (APL) applications is delegated to College level by the ADE or DoE for UG/PGT programmes, and for Professional Doctorates to the Associate Dean of Research (ADR), or College Director of PGR (DPGR), or Discipline Director of PGR (DDPGR) (or equivalent role). The ADE or DoE, and ADR or, DPGR, or DDPGR, have closer involvement with relevant programmes and it makes sense for them to take responsibility for the decision-making and approval of applications. Where there are exceptional circumstances, for example an application where more than five years have elapsed since the prior learning, or an application for APL in excess of the maximum permitted credits for the degree programme, then approval must be sought from the relevant Faculty Dean.

APL tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 16 – Accreditation of Prior Learning

**Changes to TQA Manual to reflect new Professional Doctorate Programmes

The University Regulations, Credit and Qualifications Framework and the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook have been updated to include reference to new Professional Doctorate Programmes and exit awards.

University Regulations tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding tracked changes

University Regulations

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Chapter 9 - Classification of Awards

Academic Personal Tutoring

The Academic Personal Tutoring: code of good practice has been updated. The key points include changes to current policy which states that students are required to attend five meetings with their Academic Personal Tutor (APT) per year; there is now a shift to utilising group tutorials as the default arrangement for tutoring sessions which will create more opportunities for students to meet each other and allow APTs to streamline the number of required meetings. There is also an established APT Hub which includes a collection of Microsoft tools to facilitate online meetings and collaborative tutorial activity. The key element is to make tutorials more attractive and of value to the students. It was highlighted that use of group tutorials wouldn’t preclude individual private meetings or conversations.

Academic Personal Tutoring tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 8 – Academic Personal Tutoring

External Examining Processes

Chapter 4, External Examining, of the Quality Review Framework handbook has been reviewed and restructured to flow in a more consistent manner and to provide clarity regarding roles and responsibilities. Chapter 2.7, role of external examiners, of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated to ensure consistency with the changes to the Quality Review Framework.

Quality Review Framework tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding tracked changes

Quality Review Framework: Chapter 4 – External Examiners

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 2.7 Role of external examiners

Programme Approval - Programme Variants

The Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook has been updated to provide clarity on what a variant is and to create two categories of variant. One which involves the academic content remaining largely the same (such as part time or study/work abroad), and the other allowing for a parent/child programme relationship where the academic content varies to a prescribed degree.

Programme Variants tracked changes

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook

Peer and Self-Assessment

The Peer and self-assessment handbook has been updated to remove reference and a link to information relating to the peer assessment platform WebPA that is no longer up to date and further that the platform is no longer supported by Exeter.

Peer and Self-Assessment tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 10 - Peer and Self-Assessment; principles and criteria

MRes (Advanced Biological Sciences)

The University Regulations and the Credit and Qualifications Framework have been updated to add a new 240-credit, 2-stage MRes award in CLES.

MRes (Advanced Biological Sciences) tracked changes

University Regulations

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award

LLB in Engineering and Law

The Credit and Qualifications Framework has been updated to add a new LLB programme that will be 320 credits taught over two years, covering all the necessary subjects for a qualifying Law Degree, the LLB but also to cover key engineering skills that will contribute to an engineering degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). 240-credit, 2-stage MRes award in CLES.

LLB in Engineering and Law tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award


** These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and not included in the Agenda and Papers for 03 February 2021.

09 June 2021

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 09 June 2021. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.


Alternative Assessments

Students who experience barriers to learning are legally entitled to alternative provision in order to remove those barriers, even if this means advantaging them over others; this is our legal obligation. However, alternative assessment provision is not just a legal issue, it is integral to our ‘success for all’ agenda and intention to continuously deliver more inclusive student experiences.

Revisions to the Inclusive Practice within Teaching and Learning Policy and additional guidance and information to staff and students on the provision of alternative assessments will help guide staff when considering applications for alternative assessments, as well as streamlining the application process itself and delivering more consistent and appropriate outcomes for students.

Alternative Assessments tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, Chapter 26: Inclusive Practice within Academic Study

*Conditional Registration– changes to appeals information

Since September 2016, withdrawn students awaiting the outcome of an academic appeal (where repeat study or progression have been requested) have been offered conditional registration. It has been agreed that students should not be offered conditional registration. The decision of the APAC will stand until and unless their appeal is upheld.

Conditional Registration tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 9

Changes to the layout and content of Chapter 9 of the CQF have not worked well with difficulties in making changes to the tables and table numbers. This has been particularly difficult in T4, the Content Management System, which generates the web version of the CQF. CQF reverted to a short explanatory outline of the content of Chapter 9 and the awards data moved into an Annex; with links in Chapter 9 to the Annex. The Annex will sit as a stand-alone document in PDF format. The awards data document can then be revised more easily, without Faculty Boards approval being required, and the revised Annex uploaded to the media library in T4 when updates are carried out.

CQF tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award and Annex A

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Professional Doctorates

CQF updated to align with the framework from the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for the new Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac) and to facilitate the APL of students onto this new Doctorate Programme, encouraging flexibility in the interest of the student.

Credit and Qualifications Framework Prof Docs tracked changes

CQF updated to include new Professional Doctorate programmes already approved under Chair's Action following October Taught Faculty Board.

Credit and Qualifications PD tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework: BSc (Hons)

Updated to include in the Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF the addition of a new 240-credit, 2-stage BSc award and exit awards in UEBS.

Credit and Qualifications Framework BSc (Hons) tracked changes

Exceptional Years Policy/ No Disadvantage Guarantee

The University has put into place additional measures to protect academic outcomes in the 2020/21 academic year, known as the No-Disadvantage Guarantee policy. This policy was intended for immediate implementation in the June APAC period. The Exceptional Years Policies and Guidance handbook has been updated to add a new chapter, Chapter 6 No Disadvantage Guarantee Policy with details of the additional measures for student and staff information. Relevant sections of substantive policy will be updated to include the standard caveat to highlight that temporary revisions exist for this year.

No Disadvantage Guarantee tracked changes

Exceptional Years Policies and Guidance, Chapter 6 - No Disadvantage Guarantee Policy

External Examining Processes

A revision to the Quality Review Framework to Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4.3 vii) to provide further clarity around the requirements of the sample for External Examiner moderation. In addition, a revision to paragraph 7.7.1 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook to ensure that the Programme APAC agenda has a standing item where a PSRB is involved.

APAC WP tracked changes

Quality Review Framework, Chapter 4 - External Examining

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 7 - Assessment, progression and awarding committees

*General Regulations for Students

The General Regulations have been reviewed and updated in line with revisions to the Student Disciplinary Procedures, Residency Regulations, Chapter 13 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, as well as to assure ourselves that the University is compliant with the requirements of the CMA.

General Regulations tracked changes

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice

Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been reviewed and a number of structural changes made to the chapter, primarily to make it more accessible to students and staff, to give emphasis to the supportive nature of the intervention offered through the process and to consolidate the variety of information on good academic practice to be made available on a separate website. The principles of Chapter 12 remain unchanged.

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 12 - Managing Academic Conduct and Practice

*Quality Review Framework (QRF)

Chapters 1 and 3 of the QRF updated with amendments to remove and update out of date terminology, eg. ASER (relating to a time when Quality Review used to be referred to as Annual Student Experience Reviews), Education Action Plan, and Subject-level TEF. It also ensures that the policy reflects current practice more closely, and aligns with what is detailed in Annex A of the QRF Policy regarding Teaching Excellence Action Plans (TEAPs), and Teaching Excellence Monitoring Meetings (TEMs).

QRF tracked changes

Referencing: Changes to Central Guidance

The university has replaced the existing in-house guidance, which is currently maintained jointly by the Library and Study Zone teams, with the guidance and referencing styles provided in Cite them Right online as far as is reasonable and practical. This subscription resource would be paid for and maintained by the Library and put in place for the 2021/22 academic year. The underlying principle of this proposal will not lead to significant changes to current practice; students and staff will continue to access referencing guidance from the existing university referencing webpage, however, the source of the specific style guidance for most disciplines will change to that which is provided within Cite them right online. .

Referencing: Changes to Central Guidance tracked changes

‘Resit without Attendance’ in relation to Exceptional Years

Sections of the TQA Manual are updated to reflect additional support provided to Resit Without Attendance (RWA) students who are resitting during, or as a result of, an Exceptional Year.

RWA tracked changes

Exceptional Years Handbook , Chapter 2 - Managing Educational Provision in the event of Exceptional Circumstances 

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 7 - Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committees

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Chapter 11 - Consequences   of   Failure in   Assessment

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, Chapter 13 - Procedures for the interruption and voluntary withdrawal of taught students

*Student Academic Appeals

The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals have been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework.

Academic Appeals tracked changes

*Student Complaints Procedure

The Student Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework

Complaints tracked changes

*Student Contract

The Student Contract has been reviewed review to ensure that the information remains current, and in line with the University overarching Legal duty to ensure it has a clear contract with Students.

Student Contract tracked changes

*Student Disciplinary Procedure - Non Academic Misconduct

The Disciplinary Procedure – Non Academic Misconduct has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks.

Disciplinary Procedure tracked changes

Study Abroad - Minimum Duration on Placement

The introduction of a minimum one-term requirement for students to be awarded ‘With Study Abroad’ or equivalent, for use in exceptional circumstances such as the Covid pandemic or when there are serious individual mitigating issues.

Study Abroad tracked changes

*These procedures are in the process of being updated over the summer period.

09 October 2019

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 09 October 2019. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Employment of Postgraduate Students

Changes to the Code of Good Practice – Employment of Postgraduate Students are necessary to ensure alignment with current practice for student employment. The changes are minor to reflect processes for managing employment contracts by People Services.

Employment of Postgraduate Students tracked changes

Code of Good Practice – Employment of Postgraduate Students 

Setting and Submission of Assessments

The Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes, Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments will be amended in the short term whereby work submitted within an hour of a submission deadline and which has reached the standard of the module pass mark will be awarded a penalty of 5% of the total marks available down to a minimum score of the pass mark. Work which did not reach the standard of the pass mark will not be awarded a penalty of 5%.

Please note that the final details of changes to Chapter 2 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook differ from the tracked changes document submitted to Faculty Board. Following the meeting, it was highlighted that applying the 5% late submission penalty to an assessment which was not of passable quality would be to penalise more harshly than if they had submitted 60+ minutes late, incurring a cap at the pass mark. As such, any work submitted within an hour of the deadline, but which is not of passable quality, will not have the 5% penalty applied. In addition, a set of Frequently Asked Questions has been added to Chapter 2.11.1 to provide additional clarity. 

Setting and Submission of Assessments tracked changes

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes – Chapter 2, Setting and Submission of Assessments

Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committees

Changes to the Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes, Chapter 7 Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committees have been agreed to allow more flexibility to Colleges in advance of APACs, to allow External Examiners to be present when student marks are discussed and to allow the use of pre-meetings. Colleges can organise APACs as required but certain specified aspects must be approved by External Examiners and the Chair. Changes will be effective for June 2020 APACs.

APACs tracked changes

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes – Chapter 7, Assessment Progression and Awarding Committees

Credit Thresholds for Flexible Combined Honours

There is disparity in the credit thresholds for Flexible Combined Honours (FCH) students with their current credit threshold for Level 4 being 180, which is 30 credits higher than prescribed for other standard Bachelor’s degrees (150 credits). The Director of FCH has confirmed that the Level 4 credit threshold for FCH programmes should be aligned with standard programmes but with a caveat included to permit up to 180 credits with appropriate permission.

Credit Thresholds for FCH Students tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Chapter 9, Academic Credit Requirements for Award

Credit Requirements for Liberal Arts Programme

The Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF) currently lacks clear guidance on the Liberal Arts programme, which is similar in structure to that of FCH, and requires articulation in the CQF for clarity. Chapter 13 of the CQF is to be amended to include reference to Liberal Arts with a table of credit requirements. In addition, the maximum credit requirements for Major/Minor awards has been reviewed to reduce the maximum credit requirements for use of the conjunction ‘with’ to 90 credits as at present a student can be eligible for awards using the conjunction ‘with’ as well as ‘and’ – students should only be eligible for one award type. Liberal Arts and the FCH Director have agreed this change.

Credit Requirements for Liberal Arts tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Chapter 13, Combined (Joint), Major/Minor and Triple Honours and Integrated Masters Undergraduate Degree Programmes

Minor TQA Amendments

Minor changes to the TQA Manual are proposed to provide policy clarification following queries raised over the 2018-19 academic year. These changes do not lead to major changes in process but are to provide additional clarity to the existing policy.

Minor TQA Amendments tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes – Chapters 2, 6 and 8

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 13, Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 22, Exeter Learning Environment

*Setting and Submission of Assignments

The Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes, Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments has been amended to clarify the examination submission deadlines for Colleges to work to.

Setting and Submission of Assignments tracked changes

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes – Chapter 2, Setting and Submission of Assessments

*PGT Referral

Regulation 1.18 of the Regulations Governing Academic Programmes, section 5.5 has been updated to reflect current practice for students to be permitted to resubmit or resit any failed components on one subsequent occasion.

PGT Referral tracked changes


*These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and were not included in the Agenda and Papers for 09 October 2019.

05 February 2020

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 05 February 2020. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Credit and Qualifications Framework

The CQF has been updated to remove references to the outdated National Qualifications Framework. ‘NQF Level’ has been updated to ‘Academic Level’. The definition of Academic Level is also updated to reference the current relevant frameworks.

Credit and Qualifications Framework tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Repeat Study and Interruptions

Changes to the relevant sections of the TQA Manual to devolve responsibility for repeat study requests to College APACs rather than the Faculty Dean. The TQA has been amended to reflect that repeat study should be considered as a consequence of failure and not before failure is considered. To address confusion about interruptions and when students should return, linked to a period of interruption, TQA has been clarified to reflect where repeat study is recommended following interruption this should be managed separately and in accordance with repeat study guidance. Note: this will come into effect in 2020/21 academic year.

Repeat study and interruptions tracked changes

'With proficiency in' programme streams

A new form and process have been developed to support both new and existing 'with proficiency in' programmes, including how these streams should be established and approved. 

'With proficiency in' programme streams

Credit and Qualifications Framework - Chapter 12 Award of Undergraduate Degrees ‘with Proficiency in’

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook - Chapter 1 Introduction

Adjustments to Assessment Process and Ratification of Taught Student Progression and Awards in Exceptional Circumstances

A paragraph has been added to Chapter 1 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook providing details of a new policy developed on adjustments to assessment processes and ratification of taught student progression and awards in exceptional circumstances. This includes guidance for partner institutions such as INTO and for study abroad/ placement programmes and provision for them under exceptional circumstances. The new policy has been added as Annex G of the Handbook.

Exceptional Circumstances tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 1 and Annex G

Special Provisions for Degree Apprenticeships Programmes

In line with Special Provisions for Keypath programmes and Nursing programmes, where there are variances from the procedures and processes in the TQA Manual, there will be supplementary guidance for the Degree Apprenticeship programmes. This will set out the arrangements where the Degree Apprenticeship programmes differ from other programmes in the university.

Special Provisions for Degree Apprenticeships Programmes tracked changes

Special Provisions for Degree Apprenticeships Programmes

Setting and Submission of Assessments

Assessment Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been amended to clarify that the number of weeks outlined in the submission deadline table should refer to ‘working weeks’ in order that any closure periods are not taken in to the equation when calculating submission dates.

Setting and Submission of Assessments tracked changes

Assessment Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Taught Programmes – Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments

PGT Referrals

Regulation 1.18 contains outdated guidance with regard to failed programme components and this has been corrected in order to bring it in line with TQA guidance and current practice.

PGT referrals tracked changes

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes – Regulation 1.18

Master of Public Health (MPH)

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Regulations and the Ordinances have been updated to include the new programme, Master of Public Health [MPH].

Master of Public Health tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Chapter 9 Academic Credit Requirements for Award

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes – Regulation 1.18

Ordinances - Section 7 Titles of Degrees

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study

A number of minor amendments have been made to the procedures for Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study including the Doctoral College roles to be included in the code, addition of new guidance about emergency contacts, and clarification for Level 3 of the procedure.

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study tracked changes

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study

Mititgation and Referral

Minor changes to the Assessment, Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes have been made to Annex F to note other similar types of exceptional circumstances that would be considered for late or retrospective mitigation. To provide clarity the examples noted are not an exhaustive list. An amendment to Chapter 11 has also been made to provide clarity in respect of the right of referral being per assessment and not per module.

Mitigation and Referral tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes Handbook – Annex F Mitigation and Chapter 11 Consequence of failure in assessment


A minor change to the APL procedure to allow applications to be considered by either the ADE or DoE rather than solely by the ADE to allow flexibility according to the application process in Colleges.

Mitigation and Referral tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning

Return to Study after Interruption

Minor changes to the Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students where students do not have a medical certificate to confirm that they are fit to return to their studies. An alternative route has been added to refer students to Wellbeing Services for discussion before their return is confirmed if they cannot provide medical evidence

Mitigation and Referral tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 13 Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students


The APL procedure has been amended to provide guidance for students who may be transferring from Exeter to another institution to signpost students to relevant sources of advice and support.

APL tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning

With Proficiency in Leadership*

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 12, has been amended to allow undergraduate students successfully passing a minimum of 60 credits of modules taken from approved lists in the appropriate programme specifications to have the words ‘with proficiency in Leadership’ added to their degree title on the recommendation of the relevant Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee. 

*These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and were not included in the Agenda and Papers for 05 February 2020.

03 June 2020

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 03 June 2020. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Changes to the Credit and Qualifications Framework are necessary to match the awards shown in the CQF and those detailed in SITS. The layout of the awards has been changed to be grouped under ‘parent’ awards.

Credit and Qualifications Framework tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research)

The CQF and University Regulations updated to note the renaming of the Doctor of Clinical Practice (DClinPrac) to Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research) together with establishment of an exit award.

Doctor of Clinical Practice tracked changes

University Regulations 1.18 and 2.3

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Programme Approval

The Programme Approval Handbook updated to align with the expectations of the Office for Students when Colleges are making amendments to taught programmes and modules.

Programme Approval tracked changes

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook

Covid-19 Impact on Education

Temporary revision of the TQA Manual necessary to take into account changes due to the impact of Covid-19 on education delivery.

The areas that have been amended are as follows:
a. External Examiner Absence and Appointments
b. Approval of Amendments to Assessments
c. Mitigation
d. Trailing
e. Module Completion Timeframe and Deferral
f. Late Submission of Coursework
g. Non-Attendance or Non-Submission 
h. Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 13 Procedures for the interruption and voluntary withdrawal of taught students 

Covid-19 TQA tracked changes

Exceptional Years Handbook: Chapter 1 Changes to Existing Policies in Exceptional Years

No Detriment policy 

Final approved version of the No Detriment policy introduced earlier this year.

No Detriment policy

Exceptional Years Handbook: Chapter 3 No Detriment Policy

Viva Policy and Process 

Introduction of the Viva policy for taught programmes.

Viva Policy and Process

Exceptional Years Handbook: Chapter 5 Viva Policy and Process for Taught Programmes

Sharing Examinations Papers Guidance

Guidance for Colleges on how they should approach cases where the students have sought to gain unfair advantage though sharing and distribution of the examination paper/question.

Sharing Examinations Papers Guidance

Exceptional Years Handbook: Chapter 4 Sharing Questions/ Examination Papers Guidance

Project Enhance - Programme and Module Approval Process Changes

As a result of Project Enhance, changes to the programme and module approval process to enable the changes necessary for the flexible delivery of programmes and modules (online/blended/on-campus) as a result of the uncertainty associated with the continued coronavirus pandemic and the need to plan for a range of scenarios and social distancing measures.

Modules and Programmes Process tracked changes

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook

Scaling Guidance for APACs*

A new Scaling Guidance is introduced to provide guidance and clarity for APACs on when it is appropriate to scale module results and some key rules about how to do this.

*Please note that the Scaling Guidance is for use in the upcoming APACs.*

Scaling Guidance tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Chapter 5 and Annex G Scaling Guidance

Accreditation of Prior Learning

The Office for Students requested information about our guidance/ arrangements for a student to transfer to or from another course or another higher education provider. Chapter 16 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook has been updated and the APL guidance include reference to the guidance provided by the Hubs along with signposting for such students to the Guild or FXU Advice Units.

Accreditation of Prior Learning tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning

With Proficiency in Leadership

Chapter 12 of the Credit and Qualifications Framework has been updated to include reference to the With Proficiency in Leadership.

With Proficiency in Leadership tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 12

Condonement and PGCE (PCE) award

Chapters 8 and 9 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook updated to provide clarity over condonement of compulsory modules and to include reference to the PGCE (PCE) award as an unclassified degree.

Condonement and PGCE (PCE) award tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 

APACs minutes templates

The Annexes in the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook have been updated to reflect the changes to Chapter 7 and the introduction of the University APAC. There are now three Annexes with a template for the minutes of the APAC.

APACs Annexes C, D and E

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Annex CAnnex D and Annex E 

University APAC

Amendments to the Assessment, Progression and Awarding Handbook: Taught Programmes Handbook Chapter 7 sections 7.14-7.17 to clarify the membership, timings, agenda and outputs of the University APAC.

University APAC tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 7

Exeter Learning Environment (ELE)

The Exeter Learning Environment procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with best practice for provision of information to students.

ELE tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 22 Exeter Learning Environment 

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice 

The Managing Academic Conduct and Practice procedure in Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks.

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 12

Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs)

The Management of Academic Representation Group (MARG) has considered various proposals to improve how Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) operate on a practical level as well as larger themes around the remit of the university and its students’ unions in relation to representation. Changes now reflected in the corresponding sections of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, in relation to Chapter 11 (Taught Student/Staff Liaison Committees: code of good practice), and Chapter 2 (College Management of Education: code of good practice).

SSLCs and BoS tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook - Chapter 2 College Management of Education: code of good practice

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook – Chapter 11 Taught Student/Staff Liaison Committees: code of good practic

Engineering Council’s condonement and compensation regulations

The Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 8 Progression updated to comply with the Engineering Council’s condonement and compensation regulations for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes.

Engineering Council tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 8 

Fitness to Practise

The Fitness to Practise procedures have been updated to ensure ongoing effectiveness and currency.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes

Fitness to Practise

Sexual Misconduct Procedure

The sexual misconduct procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code, the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks, the Universities UK Changing the Culture report and the Office for Students’ consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct in HE.

Sexual Misconduct Procedure tracked changes

Sexual Misconduct Procedure

Student Disciplinary Procedure

The Student Disciplinary Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks

Disciplinary Procedure tracked changes

Disciplinary Procedure - Non-academic Misconduct

Student Complaints Procedure

The Student Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework.

Student Complaints Procedure tracked changes

Student Complaints Procedure

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals tracked changes

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

Examinations and Assessment Report

Attached is an Examinations and Assessment Report which is a useful source of information about the recent examinations period.

Examinations and Assessment Report

**Master of Public Administration with Applied Studies

Data cleansing work identified that a 240 credit Masters programme had not been correctly established in SITS or in the Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF) and details of this programme are now included in both SITS and the CQF.

MPA with Applied Studies tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Chapter 9 

**MSc Engineering Business Management with Industrial Placement

The Credit and Qualifications Framework  has been updated in order accommodate the specific demands of the 2-year MSc Engineering Business Management with Industrial placement.

MSc Engineering Business Management with Industrial Placement tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

**External Examiners and Scaling Guidance

Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding Handbook have been aligned to provide consistent guidance around scaling and the involvement of External Examiners. 

External Examiners and Scaling tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook: Chapter 5 and Chapter 7

**Managing Academic Conduct and Practice 

Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook Chapter 12 has been revised in order to clarify for students that it is new material circumstances and an explanation of why this evidence could not reasonably be expected to have been submitted for consideration when the original decision was made.

Chapter 12 tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook – Chapter 12

**Engineering Council Regulations on Condonement and Compensation

The Engineering Council has changed their policy on condonement and compensation regulations for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes and footnote 1 in Chapter 8 Progression in the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated to signpost students to the Special Provisions document for programmes regulated by the Engineering Council. The Special Provisions for Programmes with Accreditation Licenced by the Engineering Council handbook has been added to the TQA Manual.

Engineering Council tracked changes 

Special Provisions for Programmes with Accreditation Licenced by the Engineering Council

**Mitigation 2020/21

Temporary changes to the Mitigation policy introduced for 2019/20 academic year as a result of Covid-19 will continue in place for the 2020/21 academic year.

Mitigation 2020/21 tracked changes

**Mitigation - Chapter 10 and Annex F

Chapter 10 and Annex F of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook have been updated to take into account the temporary changes to the Mitigation policy.

Mitigation Chapter 10 and Annex F tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 10 and Annex F

**Reading List Mandate

A university-wide reading list mandate is being introduced to ensure that all students have timely access to key readings from the Library. A new Reading Lists Policy has been added to the TQA Manual. In addition, the College Library Liaison Officers: Notes on good practice has been updated to align with current processes.

Reading List Mandate tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 30 Reading Lists Policy

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 24 College Library Liaison Officers: Notes on good practice

**Examination Submission Dates

Chapter 2 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated and exams papers submission deadlines have been brought forward by two weeks in order to ensure that all papers are received by the Exams Office in good time to allow for a thorough quality check of each paper.

Exams submission dates tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook - Chapter 2

** These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and not included in the Agenda and Papers for 03 June 2020.

10 October 2018

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 10 October 2018. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing

The Credit and Qualifications Framework and the University Ordinances and Regulations have been updated to reflect the introduction of the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing Award.

Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Ordinances 7 Titles of Degrees

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes 1.27 Regulations Governing the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing

Employment of Postgraduate Students

The handbook Code of Good Practice - Employment of Postgraduate Students has been revised to reflect revised working arrangements and where postgraduate students are undertaking regular/ pre-scheduled work they will be engaged on contracts of employment. The Code has been updated as a consequence of the change in employment arrangements.

Employment of Postgraduate Students tracked changes

Postgraduate Research Handbook Chapter 9: Employment of Postgraduate Students: Code of Good Practice

Student Attendance

The General Regulations for Students have been amended to align with the TQA Manual and current practice for the method of reporting student illness that prevents students from attending classes.

Student Attendance tracked changes

A - General Regulations for Students

Fitness to Practise

The Fitness to Practise policy has been updated in order to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and currency, to give effect to the recommendations and requirements of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies and legal advice received.

Fitness to Practice tracked changes

Regulation F - Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise (FtP)

Academic Personal Tutoring

The Academic Tutoring Code of Good Practice in the Learning and Teaching Handbook as been updated to highlight the role that the Academic Personal Tutor plays in helping students to consider their academic and personal objectives.

Academic Tutoring tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook Chapter 8: Academic Tutoring Code of Good Practice

Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees

The University is aiming to launch an MSci in Adult Nursing to commence in September 2019 and in order to meet the requirements of the NMC there will be some distinct features of the nursing programme. The special provisions will be added to the TQA Manual as a guide.

Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees tracked changes

Special Provisions for Healthcare Programmes

Moderation Samples*

The Quality Review Framework and Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook have been amended to ensure consistency with regard to the sample of scripts seen by internal and external moderators; the sample of scripts seen by internal and external moderators should be different but the criteria and principles behind the same should be consistent.

Moderation Samples tracked changes

Quality Review Framework: 3.3 Responsibilities of the External Examiner

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Chapter 5 Moderation and Sampling

Minute 18.36 from meeting on 10 October 2018

Update on progress of how operational issues that occurred at the start of the academic year were being addressed and learned from.

Operations Issues Update

Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees*

The following sections of the TQA Manual have been updated to cross-reference to the Special Provisions for Nursing Degrees.

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Chapter 1 Introduction

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Chapter 7 APACs

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Chapter 8 Progression

Assessment Progression and Awarding Handbook: Chapter 11 Consequences of Failure

Credit and Qualifications Framework: Chapter 9 Academic Credit Requirements for Award

Quality Review Framework: Chapter 2 Annual Student Experience Review


The mitigation supporting evidence form and the mitigation application flowchart have been amended to make the form more user-friendly and the application process has been simplified with the decision for straightforward applications being made by relevant Professional Services staff.

Best Practice on Communication of Degree Results Calculations

At the October meeting, Assessment and Feedback Policy and Practice was discussed and the documentation provided to students by the Business School was highlighted as best practice; it was agreed that this document should be shared with the Faculty Board members for information and an example of good practice. This document is attached for information.

Business School: Communication of Degree Results Calculations

*These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and were not included in the Agenda and Papers for 10 October 2018.

06 February 2019

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 06 February 2019. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 12, has been amended to include a new 'With Proficiency In' pathway in Entrepreneurship. Students will be required to pass all 60 credits on the pathway in order to graduate with the proficiency title. 

With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 12

MRes Economics*

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 9, has been amended to include a new programme leading to a Mater of Research in Economics (MRes Economics) qualification.

MRes Economics tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 9

With Proficiency in Advanced Languages*

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 12, has been amended to ensure parity of treatment for Foreign Language Centre and Modern Languages students and to allow all undergraduate students to add 'Proficiency in Advanced [Language]' to their degree title if they have studied a minimum of 60 credits of advanced language modules in a single language that is not their primary degree subject.

With Proficiency in Advanced Languages tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 12

Postgraduate Taught Condonement and Referral*

Chapters 7, 8 and 11 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been amended to allow for in-year referrals for postgraduate taught programmes but with students being able to opt out of this and being given clear guidance about the best time to sit any referrals in order that they can make an informed decision.

Postgraduate Taught Condonement and Referral tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook Chapter 7

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook Chapter 8

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook Chapter 11

Faculty Working Parties Membership

The details of membership of the Taught Programmes Faculty Board Working Parties are contained can be found in the link to the document below.

2018-19 Working Parties Membership Lists

*These items were approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and were not included in the Agenda and Papers for 06 February 2019.

05 June 2019

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 05 June 2019. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.

Student Attendance and Engagement

The Learning and Teaching Handbook; Chapter 29 Taught Student Attendance Procedure and the Attendance and Monitoring Policy for Tier 4 Students have been revised to provide clear thresholds and defined escalation routes and for clarity policy and procedure have been separated to ensure the policy establishes clearly defined principles.

Taught Student Attendance Procedure tracked changes

Attendance Monitoring Policy for Tier 4 Students

Learning and Teaching Handbook; Chapter 29 - Taught Student Attendance Procedure

Quality Review Framework

The Quality Review Framework has been revised to reflect changes to practice that have occurred over recent years with significant changes to the ASER processes and minor amendments to External Examining and Peer Dialogue.

Quality Review Framework tracked changes

Quality Review & Enhancement Framework

FCH Review

Following a review of FCH the TQA Manual has been updated where specific reference to is made to FCH management and governance that has changed.

FCH tracked changes

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook

PGT Referral

The Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been amended to align PGT Condonement and Referral processes to the period of study. PGT programmes may permit 'in-year' referral, whereby students are referred in failed assessments as soon as the provisional module outcome is known, and without waiting for the Discipline APAC to meet, unless otherwise specified in the programme specification.

PGT Referral tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook

Full Time/ Part Time Programme Definitions

The Credit and Qualifications Framework and Regulations Governing Academic Programmes have been updated to include reference to the Office for Students definition of full time study.

Full Time/ Part Time Definitions tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

Academic Conduct and Practice

Chapter 12 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been updated to comply with GDPR requirements with regarding to student data. The wording of the Tariff of Penalties has been clarified with regard to the penalties and consequences of not completing required actions.

Academic Conduct and Practice tracked changes

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook

TQAE Connect

Sections of the TQA Manual have been revised to include reference to the ongoing system development of TQAE Connect and to reflect changes to web forms and workflows.

TQA Manual and Online System

General Regulations for Students

The General Regulations for Students have been updated to assure University compliance with the requirements of the Competition and Marks Authority.

General Regulations for Students tracked changes

General Regulations for Students

Student Disciplinary Procedure

The Student Disciplinary Procedure has been revised to ensure alignment with the University's Drugs Policy and to update the disciplinary definitions

Disciplinary Procedure tracked changes

Disciplinary Procedure - Non-academic Misconduct

Student Complaints Procedure

The Student Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to ensure alignment with the Quality Assurance Agency, Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator's Good Practice Framework. Changes include enhancement of the procedure for students who wish to complaint about the conduct of other students, clarity on cases where a complainant may be told what disciplinary action has been taken and alignment with the sexual misconduct policy with the procedure including the student's right to ask the University to review a complaint considered under the Students' Guild/ FXU complaints procedure.

Student Complaints Procedure tracked changes

Student Complaints Procedure

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals have been reviewed to ensure alignment with the Quality Assurance Agency, Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator's Good Practice Framework. Changes include making appeal forms easier for students to find, clarifying when an appeal will be heard and clarifying arrangements for confirming a settlement offer at the Review Stage.

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals tracked changes

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise

The Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise have been revised and updated to include updated list of regulated programmes, and clarity of roles and processes.

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise tracked changes

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise

Regulations Governing Honours Degrees

The Regulations Governing Honours Degrees have been revised to provide clarity and further detail of the criteria necessary for an undergraduate student to have the words 'with proficiency in [named foreign language’ or ‘with proficiency in advanced [named foreign language]’ added alongside their main degree subject.

Regulations Governing Honours Degrees tracked changes

Regulations Governing Honours Degrees

With Proficiency in Advanced Languages

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 12, has been amended to ensure parity of treatment for Foreign Language Centre and Modern Languages students and to allow all undergraduate students to add 'Proficiency in Advanced [Language]' to their degree title if they have studied a minimum of 60 credits of advanced language modules in a single language that is not their primary degree subject.

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 12

MRes Economics

The Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 9, has been amended to include a new programme leading to a Mater of Research in Economics (MRes Economics) qualification.

Credit and Qualifcations Framework Chapter 9

Postgraduate Taught Condonement and Referral

Chapters 7, 8 and 11 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been amended to allow for in-year referrals for postgraduate taught programmes but with students being able to opt out of this and being given clear guidance about the best time to sit any referrals in order that they can make an informed decision.

Assessment, Progression and Awarding Taught Programmes Handbook

Special Provisions for Degree Apprenticeships

Special provisions are under discussion in relation to the Degree Apprenticeship programmes offered by the university. The special provisions will be added to the TQA Manual as a guide when finalised. Any queries in the meantime please contact the Degree Apprenticeships team for assistance.

FCH Level 4 Credits Threshold*

The Credit and Qualifications Framework has been revised with the level 4 credit threshold for FCH programmes aligned with standard programmes, but retaining the caveat to permit up to 180 level 4 credits with appropriate permission.

Credit and Qualifications Framework tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework

*This item was approved via Chair's Action after the Faculty Board meeting and was not included in the Agenda and Papers for 05 June 2019.

11 October 2017

There were were no changes to Procedures and Regulations following the meeting of the Taught Programmes Faculty Board on 11 October 2017.

07 February 2018

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 07 February 2018. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.


Chapter 10 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been revised to reflect marking processes where mitigation is concerned and to clarify that the chair of the APAC should not be the chair of the mitigation committee.

Chapter 10 Mitigation: Deadline extensions and deferrals tracked changes

Setting and Submission of Assessments

Chapter 2 of the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook has been revised to include clear information regarding assignment word counts.

Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments tracked changes

Attendance Monitoring

The Learning and Teaching Support Handbook has been updated to include a new Chapter 27: Taught Student Attendance Procedure for the monitoring of student attendance and intervention where necessary to support student welfare and academic success. This interim procedure applies to all students registered on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes who physically attend teaching sessions and will be implemented from September 2018.

Attendance Monitoring Paper

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

The Learning and Teaching Support Handbook has been updated to include a new Chapter 26: Inclusive Practice within Teaching and Learning to ensure adherence to the principles of the ILP process and consistency of application across Colleges.

ILP Policy Paper

Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal

Chapter 13 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook has been amended to clarify the maximum number of years that students are allowed to interrupt in the course of a programme.

Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal tracked changes

Nursing Midwifery Council Accreditation

The Teaching Quality and Assurances Manual has been amended to meet conditions for the University of Exeter Medical School to become an Approved Education Institution.

Nursing Midwifery Council paper tracked changes

06 June 2018

These pages are designed to act as a summary to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meeting of the Taught Faculty Board on 06 June 2018. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

To access the papers referenced below, please go to the Agenda and Papers.


To establish a consistent policy that condonement is applied at the point of award, to the programme that can be awarded, which may be different to the programme the student is registered on.

Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 Tracked changes

Classification of Awards


Policies to manage the University’s new dual submission system involving E-Bart and Turnitin

Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments Tracked Changes

Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments Tracked Changes

Group Work Guidance

Additional guidance has been produced to aid with inclusivity, setting group work, and managing conflict. Also rules have been added to clarify how cases of academic misconduct involving group work will be managed.

Managing Academic Conduct and Practice tracked changes


The documentation on Keypath will no longer mention carousels. External examiners will no longer be required to physically attend APACs, Referral and deferral decisions will be made as required, and the late submission deadline will be reduced to one week

Credit and Qualifications Framework

Changed to recognise the creation of new Law and Graduate School of Education courses

Credit and Qualifications Framework Tracked Changes

Accreditation of Prior Learning

To clarify the threshold for APL, and to establish where exceptions apply.

Accreditation of Prior Learning 15 Tracked Changes

Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement

Updated to improve clarity, particularly surrounding progress monitoring points

Learning and Teaching Support Chapter 16 Tracked changes