
In the University, we handle large volumes of information daily, including personal information about staff, students and others, financial information, and research data. All users are expected to contribute to the safeguarding of information so we all need to understand what information governance and security means in practice.

The online Information Governance Training covers four key areas:

  • Records Management - including guidance on managing emails
  • Data Protection and the GDPR – understand how to be compliant with the new legislation
  • Information Security – what you can do to protect yourself and the University 
  • Freedom of Information – understand how to be compliant with this Act

Information Governance training is part of the mandatory training suite for staff.

For more information about training available through the IG Team see our SharePoint Pages.

Information for students is available on our student facing SharePoint pages.

Please note that students with associate accounts should use that account to access staff facing resources. This will give you access to our Mandatory training, researcher focussed guidance, Data Protection Impact Assessments and so on.