Checklist for filming and photoshoots on University campuses

This checklist is intended to provide guidance to College or Professional Services staff who are arranging for third parties to undertake filming or photoshoots on University premises or on behalf of the University.

Penryn campus

At the Penryn Campus there is a risk assessment and permission process provided by FXPlus that needs to be followed. Information can be found on the FXPlus Hospitality website.

The  Film production agreement and  Location contract for filming on University of Exeter campuses are valid for all University campuses, including Penryn.

Streatham and St Luke's campuses

Before the photoshoot

(ideally allow 5 working days to organise)

  1. Establish dates/times and possible locations
  2. Check the location to understand any site specific issues/risks
  3. Contact  Comms and Marketing to confirm date/time is ok. Large or commercial film shoots will be referred to Event Exeter.
  4. Undertake a ‌ Filming on campus risk assessment (if not previously undertaken with the relevant organisation). Provide a copy to the organisation for information. If there are any H&S concerns, refer to the Health & Safety team.
  5. Send standard University contract to the organisation or individual who will be filming – this will be either:

Legal issues

If there are any legal issues raised about the documents, refer to Legal Services – or 4376.

Insurance level queries

See also  preferred insurance cover levels for 3rd parties if insurance level queries are raised.


Establish who will be filmed (eg students, members of the public). The University standard T&Cs and filming contracts mean that it is the responsibility of the filming company to ensure that appropriate consents are obtained.

Consent forms

If you commission a photographer that has not previously worked for the University please make sure that they sign the  Location contract for filming on University of Exeter campuses. The photographer holds copyright and this form specifies how the University may use the images and what permissions the photographer has to obtain from us before using the images for his/her own publicity.

Model consent

The Data Protection Act 1998 requires you to obtain the model’s consent if you take their photograph or video footage for use by the University. This applies to students, staff and non-University models and you should retain the consent forms. Please read the sample  Model consent form. We suggest that you modify it for your purposes.

If the activity includes minors (under 18) parental consent must be obtained. Please read the sample  Model (minors) consent form which can be modified for your purposes. You would normally coordinate signatures via the teacher or leader of the group.

If you take a group photo, for example a lecture, students should be given the opportunity to leave the group whilst the photo is being taken. The person in charge of the group (lecturer in this case) should sign the consent form on behalf of the group.

On the day

  1. Ensure the film crew has a named point of contact and phone number for any issues that arise (if not accompanied)
  2. Ensure that any location specific H&S hazards, requirements or protocols are pointed out
  3. Ensure that any H&S incidents are reported and logged asap
  4. Display warning notices in relation to filming to minimise risk of 3rd parties being involuntarily filmed

After the filming

  1. Advise building manager/H&S of any H&S issues that arose on the day
  2. Ensure that all relevant documentation relating to the filming (copy emails, completed risk assessment, copy of T&Cs, copy consents) are kept safely together
  3. Consider whether the University will require any licences or permissions to use the material for its own purposes.
