
This section provides details of the purchasing policies and procedures applicable to procurement at the University of Exeter.

University Policies

Policy Summary

Anti-Money Laundering

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University and its staff comply with Anti -Money Laundering legislation, and are aware of their respective obligations.

Code of conduct

Sets out the University’s principles of conduct. Includes, whistleblowing, bribery and professional conduct.

Conflict of interest Explains what the University views as a Conflict of Interest and the procedure to follow where the possibility of a Conflict of Interest arising exists.
Due diligence Sets out the due diligence considerations and processes that should inform decisions.
Expenses Policy Sets out the rules for claiming travel, accommodation, subsistence and other expenses.
Entertainment, Hospitality & Gifts Policy Ensure that the University manages its resources appropriately and complies fully with statutory regulations, in particular around tax and bribery.

Record of Entertainment, Hospitality & Gifts

Form used to document instances or receiving and providing entertainment, hospitality & gifts.
Ethics Policy Sets out the institution’s intention to promote the highest standards of scientific, scholarly and professional integrity.
Financial and Trade Sanctions Policy

Ensures the University is not placed in breach of sanctions, any member of staff developing, proposing or negotiating agreements with overseas Governments or their agencies, organisations based overseas or foreign nationals are fully responsible for undertaking appropriate due diligence prior to any agreement being entered.

Financial Regulations The key document that governs the way the University manages its financial affairs.
Fraud Policy Statement Anti-fraud and corruption strategy designed to encourage prevention, promote detection and clarify responses through a defined plan which incorporates investigatory action.  
Fraud response plan Defines authority levels, responsibilities for action and reporting lines in the event of a suspected fraud or irregularity.
Investment Policy

Sets out the University’s rules around investments.

Modern Slavery Statement

This policy helps procurement staff (and other staff engaging in procurement) to detect and prevent slavery, human trafficking and associated practices in the University’s supply chain. 

PCI DSS Compliance An Information security standard used to handle credit cards from major card brands. Aims to ensure cardholder data remains secure.
Purchasing card policy Sets out the compliant usage of a purchase card and the card holder responsibilities associated with holding a card. 
Sustainable Bought Goods & Services Policy Sets out the aim to be a sustainability and climate change leader regionally, nationally and internationally; delivered via transformation in its operation and via collaboration in its educational, research, international and impact activities, demonstrating innovation, influence and action. 

Government Codes & Policies

Policy Summary
PCR 2015 Set out the procedures that public contracting authorities must follow when procuring public contracts by tender.
Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 (CCR 2016) Regulates the process for concession contracts procurement by contracting authorities and utilities.
Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Requires people who commission public services to think about how they can also secure wider social, economic and environmental benefits.
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Provides public access to information held by public authorities.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Framework for the collection, processing, storage and transfer of personal data.
Equality Act 2010 Protects people from discrimination, harassment or victimisation in employment, and as users of private and public services based on nine protected characteristics.
Modern Slavery Act 2015 (updated)

Designed to combat modern slavery in the UK.

Transfer of undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulation 2006

Designed to protect employees’ rights when the business they work for is transferred to a new employer.