
All staff should read the below advice before requesting an advance in T1. All advances are subject to the same terms of the expenses policy as any other method of funding expenses.

Advances are to be requested a minimum of two weeks before the funds are required. Advances are to be approved by the line manager or budget holder before a request in T1 is raised.

An advance is to be requested in exceptional circumstances where no other appropriate payment method is available. Prior to requesting an advance, please consider other available payment methods. These include payment through T1 suppliers, purchase cards, or payment request forms.

For further information on alternative purchasing methods, contact Procurement Operations (

Advances cannot be requested for expenses already incurred. An expense that has already been incurred must be claimed through travel and expenses in T1.

Advances are not to be used to book travel or accommodation, unless under exceptional circumstances. Travel and accommodation is booked through one of the University’s Travel Partners.

Accounts Payable reserves the right to immediately reject any advance request if it is for travel or accommodation.

Expenses funded from an advance are subject to the same terms of the expenses policy as any other method of funding expenses. 

Under no circumstances will a second advance be approved when there is an unreconciled balance of an earlier advance request.

Advances are requested through T1 via the My Travel and Expenses platform. Further information on how to apply for an advance can be found here.

When submitting an advance, the below information is mandatory and must be included with the initial request to avoid delays or rejections.

  • Travel Insurance (where applicable).
  • Risk Assessments (where applicable).
  • A breakdown of the costs that the advance will be funding.
  • Budget or Project code the advance will be reconciled against once expenses are incurred.

Advances are to be requested a minimum of two weeks before the funds are required. Advances are to be approved by the line manager or budget holder before a request in T1 is raised.

All advances are subject to final approval by the Finance Operations Department.

When an advance is approved, the value of that advance creates a debt owed to the University by the claimant, the claimant is liable to repay any unreconciled funds.

All approved advances are to be reconciled in T1 within one month of the trip’s completion or advance end date.

Under no circumstances will a second advance be approved when there is an unreconciled balance of an earlier advance request.

How to reconcile an advance in T1.