Related policies
All staff and students should read the Expenses Policy before making payments themselves on behalf of the University.
Main Payroll Staff
Main payroll staff should use the T1 system to reclaim expenses within 3 months of the expenditure being incurred. Expense claims must be submitted in line with the expenses policy. Expenses will be paid to the bank account associated with your payroll ID in Trent.
Here are full step-by-step instructions
Associate Staff
Associate staff should claim using a Payment Request Form in T1's Forms function. Full details are on the Payments page.
Students should use the T1 system to reclaim expenses within 3 months of the expenditure being incurred. For access to T1, please see T1 Help. Expense claims must be submitted in line with the expenses policy.
Students must have bank details recorded in SRS (Students Records System) to be able to use T1 to claim expenses:
- For a UK bank, see Add bank details to iExeter
- For an international bank, please contact Accounts Payable and include 'International Bank Details for [Student Name] + [Student Number]' in the email title and a member of the team will provide you with next steps.
Full step-by-step instructions - Student Expenses Crib Sheet.
Non Staff
A member of staff should submit a claim on the claimant's behalf using a Payment Request Form in T1's Forms function. Full details are on the Payments page.
Mileage can be claimed through the “My Travel & Expenses” function within T1.
Before claiming mileage you must ensure you have met the health and saftey requirements detailed in 'Driving on University Business'.
Staff will only be reimbursed for expenses which they actually and necessarily incur in the course of official travel when using their own vehicle. Mileage allowances are paid for the actual distance necessarily travelled, excluding the cost of home to work journeys, unless this is specifically agreed to in their contract.
To calculate the mileage you can claim for - this should be the mileage travel from your work location to the location of your business event, or from home if that was the starting point of your journey and it is shorter than travelling from the University.
Please see the Expenses Policy ("Motor vehicles" section) for full details.
Expenses are paid within the weekly payment run. All expense claims approved by close of business on a Tuesday will be included in the payment run on Wednesday. These payments are made via BACS and will reach the claimants bank account on the Friday.
Staff are paid using the bank details held in Trent and students are paid using the bank details held in the Student Records System.
Tracking expenses
The 'My Travel and Expenses' page within T1 enables claimants to view their expenses history.
Each expense will have a status:
Status | Description |
Draft | The claim has not yet been submitted by the claimant for approval |
Approve Expenses | The claim is awaiting approval and has not yet been actioned by the approver |
Make a request | The claim has been submitted and subsequently rejected by the approver |
Completed | The claim has been approved and reimbursed |
Approvals are a necessary process for budget holders to monitor and manage their budget and ensure that spend against the budget is carried out appropriately.
Once an expense submission is submitted for approval in T1, the relevant budget holder (or their nominated approval pool) will receive an email to approve or reject the expense.
The approver must check the expense is:
- In line with University policy, such as the Expenses and Travel Policy and the Purchasing Policy
- In line with specific rules for the budget i.e. restrictions imposed by a research funder
- The most appropriate way to obtain the goods/services. For example, should the purchase have been made following the University's purchase order process?
In addition to receiving an email alert, approvers can view the expenses submitted for approval in 'My Tasks' on the T1 Home Page. To distinguish the expenses items within My Tasks, the approver can type “T&E” or “travel” in the search box.
For further help please contact Accounts payable