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Global Partnerships

Sub-Saharan Africa

University of Exeter's Strategy 2030 commitment to Greener, Healthier Fairer is not complete without its dedication to partnership development in the Global South and the African continent specifically within that. Currently, Exeter celebrates a rich portfolio of research collaboration across African countries in a breadth of areas, including climate, ocean sciences and water systems, neuropsychology, fungal disease, food security, conservation and mining, with opportunities for research, education and industry evidenced through demonstrable impact across all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are proud to name Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Witwatersrand and Pretoria in South Africa, together with University of Lagos (Nigeria), University of Rwanda and University of Makerere (Uganda) among our partners, while we acknowledge the excellence of research in institutions across Africa and work to expand our collaborative partners and impact.

As we pursue our 2030 strategy aims and grow our collaborative partnerships across Africa, Exeter celebrates network memberships to Association of Commonwealth Universities, and World University Network to support our efforts.

