Enabling Themes Actions
The Enabling Themes apply to all University of Exeter students and colleagues and cover areas that span all of the Domains in the University Mental Health Charter. These include University strategy, student voice and participation, inclusivity, cohesive support, and research and innovation. The Enabling Themes are very broad in scope and so our associated actions are also quite broad, covering all areas of the themes.
Enabling Themes Actions |
Update and gain approval for our University of Exeter Wellbeing & Mental Health Strategy. |
Create a mental health task force to allow students to collaborate with staff and the SU/Guild to co-create projects and policy around mental health. |
Review alignment of university policies, practices, strategies & procedures (ILPs, attendance monitoring, mitigation process.) with a compassionate communications approach. |
Embed a compassionate communications approach . |
Improve the visibility and awareness of toolkits produced on supporting students. |
Commitment to achieve and maintain the UMHC award is to become a strategic university 'People' KPI as part of Strategy 2030. |
Seek views and input of the Student WICC advisory board on mental health developments with a minimum of a termly item on mental health. |
Create a roadmap for students to visually explain how they can raise concerns about wellbeing provision/get involved in change . |
Support Faculty WICCs to develop further in the Wellbeing aspect of their work. |
Support the development and launch of Student connect on the new app to enable proactive signposting . |
Utilise Our Culture Conversations (OCC) data and questions taking an intersectional view. |
Build partnerships with charities/ organisations specialising in Mental Health support that centres lived experience. |
Present & consider findings of the Nurture-U project. Continuing to work with Nurture-U and build in interventions in response to research findings. |
Ensure the voices of our community are heard and people feel able to share their views. |