Work Domain Actions

The Work Domain applies to all University of Exeter colleagues and covers areas relating to colleague wellbeing and colleague development. There is a lot of support available for colleagues and training available for supporting teams and students with their mental health, our actions in this Domain are focused on ensuring that colleagues are aware of these and further developing our strategic approach to supporting colleagues.

Work Domain Actions
Map work taking place to support mental health and wellbeing with other current university strategic initiatives.
Develop a detailed onboarding process for new staff (to include all support resources/information).
Develop our Health & Wellbeing key performance data.
Implement the outcomes of the Academic Workload and Equity Project and Professional Services Workload Principles.
Improve impact of current mental health risk assessment processes at individual, team and university wide level
Map all mental health roles across the institution, identify gaps in provision, undertake training needs analysis.
Evaluate, develop and re-launch current on-line training in place 'Managing the Mental Wellbeing of your Team' with ambitious targets for completion.
Implement a Wellbeing Impact Assessment process to all employment policy development.
Create communities of practice for informal reflection and learning around mental health and wellbeing.
Implement agreed actions from University Coaching and Mentoring Strategy.