LGBTQ+ Inclusive Professional's Commitment Signatories


Below are the current signatories for the LGBTQ+ Inclusive Professional's Commitment. We will manually update this list to reflect new signatories as often as we can. 

You can read and find out more about the commitment, and staff are welcome to sign up to support the commitment.


Abby Russell (she/her), Senior Lecturer, Public Health and Sports Sciences.

Abigail Dixon (she/her), Internal Communications, Communications. 
Let's make our community welcoming for all.

Adrian Ball (he/him), Head of Workplace Learning, Centre for Degree Partnerships.
Being part of the LGBTQ+ community, I know first hand what it feels like to have been treated differently in my career. I am very grateful to work with people who treat me as an individual for my skills, input and as a value colleague. I want everyone to feel that they can show up to work and be themselves - no questions. Its important that we create an environment of inclusion for our students and colleagues alike. 

Alastair Crocker (he/him), Education Support Manager, Education Student Support.
It is a shame this is necessary.

Dr Amanda Wallace (she/her), Senior Lecturer in Clinical Research, UEMS: Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences.
I believe in being inclusive in all areas and aspects of life - I consider this one of my core values and I am always open to learning how to do things better and how to be a good ally.

Andrew Griffiths (he/him), Senior Lecturer, Biosciences.
By fostering an inclusive environment, we can create a more just, equitable, and prosperous society for everyone.

Anna Moscrop (she/her), Head of Global Opportunities, Global Opportunities. 
I want my colleagues and I to thrive in an environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to be their authentic selves. 

Anna Price (she/her), Senior Research Fellow, Health and Community Sciences. 

Anne Bell (she/her), Coding for Reproducible Research Initiative Administrator, Research Services. 
I saw students flourish when they felt empowered to share their identities and have those identities respected. I want to live in a world where this is the case for all.

Annika Jones (she/her), Associate Professor, Law. 

Arabella Greatorex (she/her), Medical Education Programme Manager, Medical School. 

Ariana Sevilla (she/they), Global Opportunities Inbound Manager, External Engagement and Global. 

Becs Rodohan (they/them), Research Assistant, Public Health and Sport Science

Ben Samuels (he/him), Event Specialist, Event Exeter. 

Bex Bristow (she/her), Education Support Manager in Degree Apprenticeships, Education and Student Support. 

Brendan Johnson (he/him), Administrator, Professional Services. 
This shouldn't need to be done, until that time, I will continue to shout louder for tolerance.

Charlie Kelman (she/her), PhD Researcher/Graduate Research Assistant, Public Health and Sports Sciences.
This is important to me as someone who identifies as LGBTQ+ and supports others who are.

Claire Davies (she/her), Senior Lecturer (E&S), Physics and Astronomy.
As an out gay woman who presents rather androgynously, I am well aware of the difficulties faced by people across the LGBTQ+ spectrum of identities and wish to make clear that I stand in allyship with all across the community.

Professor Claire Dunlop (she/they), Professor of Policy and Public Politics, Politics, SPSPA. 
I am an LGBTQ+ person and want to support our community :)

Claire Pentecost (she/her), Senior Research Fellow, Health and Community Science. 

Dario Sansone (he/him), Senior Lecturer, Economics. 
I am also the Business School Sexual Orientation Theme Lead. 

Dreolin Fleischer (she/her), Engaged Research Manager, Exeter Innovation. 

Elaine Cordy (she/her), Head of Education Support, Education Support. 
I am also a University Council Member - Staff Mentor/Coach - Student Experience Champion.

Eleanor Bryant (she/her), Graduate Research Assistant, Public Health and Sports Science.

Eleanor Hodgson (she/her), Senior Educator Development, Educator Development, LXI. 
I believe in being an ally to and advocate for inclusive rights.

Eleanor Townsend (she/her), Lecturer, Clinical and Biomedical Sciences.
It is very important to me to be a visible supporter of inclusion and equitable treatment of LGBTQ+ people. This is the first step in creating a brighter future, together!

Felicity Claire Gee (she/her), Associate Professor of Modern Literatures and Avant-Garde Studies, English and Creative Writing.
Safety, Community, Opportunity, and Visibility for all people in the LGBTQ+ family.

Harriet Keers-Stribley (she/her), Programme Administrator/Project Co-ordinator, Psychology, Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR).
Everyone should be able to live freely as their authentic selves, both in their personal and professional lives.

Helen Butler (she/her), Business Manager, University Corporate Services. 

Helena Fornwagner (she/her), Senior Lecturer, Economics.
Supporting people from all backgrounds is a primary mission of mine.

Ian Jones (he/him), Academic Mentor, Education & Scholarship.
I am a former Gender Equality co-chair for staff network at previous employer and a menopause accredited coach. I am also a proud ally to LGBTQ+ community and public speaker on being a parent of transgender teens.

Isabelle Hawksworth (she/her/they/them), Education Support Assistant, Education Support Team

James Wakefield (he/him), Head of Department, Biosciences.
Every human being has intrinsic value and is worthy of love, dignity, and respect.

Jana Funke (she/her).  Professor of Modern Literature and Sexuality Studies, English and Creative Writing. 

Jasper Privett (he/him), EDI Projects Officer, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Jenny Crotty (she/her), Education Support Operations Manager, Education and Academic Services.

Jenny Lord (she/her), Technician (Project Assistant), Technical Services.
Diversity = Life

Jesse Abrams (he/him), Senior Research Impact Fellow, Geography. 

Jessica Redman (she/her), Education Support Advisor, Education and Academic Services. 
As an LGBTQ+ person myself it's important to work in a supportive environment and I want that for other colleagues too, as well as all students and visitors.

Julia Worwood (she/they), Associate Equality Enhancement Advisor, Learning Experiences and Innovation (LXI) (PDQE - Programme Design and Quality Enhancement). 
Those at Exeter who hijack freedom of speech ideals to oppress and deny the rights of transgender folk do not speak for me!

Katie Emmison (she/her), Graduate Research Assistant, Public Health and Sport Sciences.

Katie Moore (she/her), Education Support Advisor, Amory Hub - Geography. 
“It is absolutely imperative that every human being’s freedom and human rights are respected, all over the world.”– Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir

Konstantina Papadopoulou (she/her), Lecturer (E&S), Physics and Astronomy.

Laura Blaken (she/her), Programme Administrator, Psychology, Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR).

Laura Jones (she/her), Education Support Administrator, Cluster 1, St Luke's. 

Lena Worwood (she/her), EDI Projects Officer, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Linda Lanyon (she/her), EDI Projects Officer, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
I am an equality advocate. 

Liz Goodwin (she/her), Research Fellow, Health and Community Sciences. 

Lizzie Hustwayte (she/her), Education Support Manager, Hubs.
It is important to create an environment that is inclusive and equitable to function effectively.

Maisie Jepson (she/her), Education Support Assistant, Building One. 
I will always support people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and can act as someone to come to for any guidance and support if needed. I always aim to further educate myself on LGBTQ+ issues and am eager to discuss what this means to specific colleagues.

Marc Coton (he/him), Senior Learning Experience Designer, LXI. 
Let's let everyone shine bright.

Marley Raven (they/them), Business Support Assistant, IT Services. 
People should be free to be themselves and not live in fear.

Matt McCormick (he/him), Education Support Administrator, Education Support Hub - St Luke's.
I am firmly against all forms of discrimination.

Michael Flexer (he/him), Lecturer, English and Creative Writing.

Michael Wykes (he/him), Divisional Director, University Corporate Services.

Naomi Gatis (she/her), Lecturer, Geography.

Nick Chavasse (he/him), Regional Head - MENA, Global Partnerships. 
We can only build an inclusive society and university community by actively supporting LGBTQ+ colleagues. I hope all university staff sign this commitment, especially at a time when prejudice and transphobia are on the rise.

Pascale Aebischer (she/her), Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Performance Studies, English and Creative Writing

Rafik Taibjee (he/him), Senior Lecturer, Medical School. 
I am a past chair of GLADD - UK Assosciation of LGBT+ Doctors and Dentists.

Rajani Naidoo (she/her), Vice President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and University Executive.

Ramona Nash (she/her), Multifaith Chaplaincy Coordinator, Wellbeing and Welfare Services.

Rebecca Langlands (she/her), Head of Department and Professor, Classics, Ancient History and Theology.
A vital commitment for the good of our whole community. 

Riley Smallman (they/he), PhD Researcher, Archaeology.
I am deeply committed to supporting other LGBTQ+ folk within academia and beyond, and in promoting diverse and inclusive environments for everyone to thrive within.

Roscoe Hastings (he/him), Director of Teaching Excellence and Enhancement, Learning Experiences and Innovation.
Being a visible LGBTQ* role model is important to me and I want to work with colleagues - both LGBTQ+ and allies - to create a more inclusive environment for all LGBTQ+ colleagues at the University.

Rowan Streckfuss Davis (he/him), Graduate Research Assistant, Health and Life Sciences.

Ruth Smyth-Bonfield (she/her), Widening Participation Coordinator, Widening Participation/ Access, Participation and Outreach.

Sandip Samra (she/her), Senior EDI Advisor, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 

Sandy Beer (she/her), NIHR Exeter BRC Chief Operating Officer, Health and Life Sciences. 

Sarah Campbell (she/her), Associate Director, Arts and Culture, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Prejudice and fear-driven discrimination are poisons to society - I want to be actively part of communities that promote kindness, openness, and care for each other.

Sarah Donovan (she/her), Research Development Manager, Research Services. 
I believe that everyone ought to feel safe and accepted at work.

Sarah Thorn (she/her), Project Administrator, ESE (Research Finance). 

Sarah Tudor (she/her), Head of Assessment and Progression, Centre for Degree Partnerships.

Sian Robinson (she/her), Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Business School.
Inclusive education is very important to me both personally and as a lecturer. I lead neuroinclusive education practices, as well as inclusion more widely within my teaching.

Susannah Cornwall (she/her), Professor of Constructive Theologies, Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology.
As a scholar of religion I'm acutely aware of the damage that exclusion of LGBTQI+ people from some faith communities has caused. However, the contribution of LGBTQI+ people across every society and culture is a reason for joy and celebration.

Tanya Hynd (she/her), Patient and Public Involvement Co-Ordinator, PenARC, Health and Life Sciences.

Terri Watkins (she/her), University Mental Health Charter Programme Manager, Human Resources. 

Vicki Dunn (she/her), Research Development Manager, Research Services.