About ConnectTxt
What is ConnectTxt (formerly Txttools)?
ConnectTxt is a new system which enables the University to contact students via SMS text message to the mobile telephone number in their student record. The service is provided by Blackboard ConnectTxt.
Initially the service will be used to notify students of changes to timetable activities and appointment reminders, but it is planned that this service will be expanded to cater for other University services. If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions as to how the system can be used more widely, please email textservice@exeter.ac.uk
Texts from the University will be recognisable as they will follow a similar format, such as:
Tim, sorry but your lecture at 13:00 has been moved to 14:30, UoE. To reply start text with HUM
Messages from your College or School will be sent from the same number. If you add this number to your address book and label it as the University of Exeter, then you will be able to instantly recognise such text messages.
Who will be sending me text messages?
SMS text messages will only be sent to you from the University of Exeter. Your mobile telephone number will not be divulged to any third party.
Can I unsubscribe from this service?
Yes, there is an option in your student record to unsubscribe from this service. For more details and guidance on how to do this, please follow this link: unsubscribe from ConnectTxt alerts. Please note that in doing so you may not receive notification of short notice changes to your timetable.
What sort of messages will I get?
At present the system will notify you of short notice changes to scheduled timetable activities, such as a room change, lecture cancellation or building closure, etc. It is planned to expand the service and you can participate in this by making suggestions as to what you would want to receive information about. Please use the feedback form below.
Who will have access to my mobile 'phone number?
Your mobile 'phone number is not disclosed to anyone, it is hidden from the administrators of the system who only see your name as part of the class list for a particular teaching activity.
Will this cost me anything?
There is no charge for to receive text messages for UK registered mobile handsets, however if you reply to a text message sent by the system you may be charged your normal network rate for such text responses, by your telephone service provider.