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Requesting a shared mailbox

If you need to be given permission, or want to create a new shared mailbox, please contact Exeter IT.

Using shared mailboxes

Shared mailboxes allow you and your colleagues to jointly operate an email account simultaneously. This can be very useful for workplace teams, clubs, societies etc.

Shared mailboxes do not have passwords, so you cannot log in the same way as you would for your own account.

Before being able to access a shared mailbox you will need to have been given permission by its owner.

If you use the Outlook client for your individual university email, you can permanently add a shared mailbox in Outlook so that it is visible every time you log in to your email.

To do this please follow the full guide:

If you use O365 web mail for your individual university email, you can permanently add a shared mailbox in O365 so that it is visible every time you log in to your email.

To do this please follow the full guide: How to add a Shared Mailbox as an additional account in O365 web mail

If you use O365 web mail for your individual university email, and want to temporarily access a shared mailbox, please see How to access shared mailboxes